21. Summertime and Lakes

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Chapter 21

All of the seniors graduated that May much to Sebastian's dismay. The halls that were once filled with seniors that he considered friends were now long gone and would never call him to pursue their own life goals. 

So, with this knowledge, Sebastian didn't have friends or a girlfriend. It had been exactly two months since he last spoke to Cassandra. He'd see her in the halls but the two would completely ignore each other. He would steal a few glances at Cassandra when he was in class and was sick of the blundering that came from Mr.Waterford about some of his favorite works. He enjoyed looking at her because to him she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.

Sebastian left his house about midday. He wore a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt to combat the hot Arizona weather. He recently got out of the shower to wash off the chlorine that came from his pool out back. He spent much of his time there, due to his lack of real friends that didn't want to jump his bones.

"I'll be over in a bit," Sebastian said over the phone. Sebastian got behind the steering wheel of his brand new car and began to drive to one of his many friends with benefits houses. The windows were rolled down to let in the cool summer breeze that would fill his car.

The summer was especially hot for July, being outside too long would give anyone who wasn't used to the Arizona heat a heat stroke. Sebastian's arm rested on the side of his car when he got to the red light. He got the exact car he wanted, it was a few years old but nonetheless it was one of the better cars that would be parked on school grounds.

Sebastian arrived at Danielle's house. They started their sexual friendship a few weeks ago. She like many of the girls thought sex would make Sebastian fall for them.

But his heart was entirely closed off to all girls for a very long time, he commited to himself. He arrived at her apartment complex, she was from a single-parent household. Her dad worked two jobs to put food on her table and provide her with the best possible household so the constant visits from Sebastian were unknown. Sebastian hurried up the stairs and knocked a total of three times before the door opened.

"Sebastian," she smiled. Sebastian made no haste to kiss her, she yelped when his lips touched hers. She took a few steps back. Sebastian kicked the door close with one hand and led her to the couch with the other. He held her waist as the two fell onto the couch. 


Cassandra tied the back of her bathing suit top. She didn't usually wear a two-piece swimsuit. Her usual ensemble included a one-piece bathing suit and an oversized shirt that belonged to her deceased father. It was comfortable, and took the attention away from her. But Aurora convinced her weeks prior summer began to buy something different.

She thought with a body like Cassandra's which was still blossoming deserved to be shown off. A series of knocks on Cassandra's new bedroom door caused her to turn. She walked towards the door, standing in her own swimsuit was Aurora.

Aurora rather than taking her own advice, she wore a pair of swim shorts and minimizing bathing suit top. "You ready to go to the lake?" Aurora asked.

Cassandra grabbed her t-shirt and shorts that were on her bed and slipped them on. "Yeah. Is Phillip here?"

Aurora nodded her head, "of course he is. You know he's basically in love with you. There's no way he wouldn't be here."

"Shut up," Cassandra chuckled. "He doesn't like me."

"Oh really? Then why has he been here every day since he found out we were his new neighbors."

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