16. Dicks and Houses

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Chapter 16

Cassandra Campbell was going to kill Sebastian was said among the halls of their high school.

When Sebastian walked into Mr.Waterfords class, Cassandra's clenched her fist, and she saw red. Not, two days since they broke up, Cassandra was told Sebastian went home with Malia and got into her car, and everyone knew what getting into a vehicle with Malia entailed.

Cassandra's nose flared when their eyes met. She wanted to grab her textbooks and throw every single one at him, she wanted him to bleed. The class watched the two like they were a movie. It was like watching a predator setting their sights on their prey.

Sebastian approached Mr.Waterford, "hey," Sebastian smiled, sweat began to cover his back. "So, I know we only have two months left of school left, and it's sorta last minute, but can I switch my seat."

"Why?" Mr.Waterford asked from behind his laptop.

"Well, because... because I'm having problems with my partner, and it's distracting me from learning." It was the truth, well as much of the truth Sebastian was willing to tell his English teacher.

"Really? Because not last week, you said she was the sole reason you were passing Sebastian." Sebastian's lips turned flat when he said this, delighting Mr.Waterford to no end. Unbeknownst to everyone, Mr.Waterford had excellent ears, and he knew everything that was going on in the school from the drug use to all of the STDs the youth were spreading to one another. Keeping an ear in all the drama in the school was a way to entertain him at work.

He knew Sebastian and Cassandra we're together, and they had recently broken up. And he especially knew about him running off with Malia after school not even a full day later. "Mr.Waterford," he trailed on. "Please, switch me with someone. Hell, I'll even sit next to that guy that everyone knows smells, I'm desperate."

He held back the laugh that was fighting to come out. "Sebastian, take your seat," Mr.Waterford urged. "Class begins in a few minutes." Sebastian sighed when the words came out of his mouth. Sebastian could feel the heat on his back that imitated from Cassandra from the far distance they shared. Sebastian knew of the tweets, pictures, and texts of him and Malia going off together. He prayed Cassandra didn't see it, but he knew that wouldn't be the case, especially with their high social status. He turned on his heel and took his seat next to Cassandra.

Cassandra didn't bother keeping her emotions in, "you're a dick," she said as soon as he relaxed in his seat.

"Cas," he groaned.

"Don't Cas me," she whispered. "You fucked someone, not a day after we broke up." Sebastian stayed silent. "I can't believe I wasted seven months of my life with scum like you."

Mr.Waterford held back his snicker from behind his computer. "We broke up, why do you even care?"

"Why do I care? God, Sebastian you're a bigger idiot than I thought." Sebastian winced when the cruel words came out of Cassandra's mouth. "Not only did you sleep with someone else, not a day later after you broke up with me. You lost your virginity to her, and you didn't even have the decency to try to hide it. It was as if you wanted me to see. Like, you were trying to crush my heart more than you already have."

Sebastian readjusted himself in his chair. "Cassandra, we broke up because you didn't want to have sex. So, is it that out there that after we broke up that I would sleep with someone else?"

"But, a day later, Sebastian? You don't find a thing wrong with sleeping with someone that soon? And it was so public. You're making me look like an idiot." Sebastian stayed silent. He did feel bad. After Malia left, he threw up in his toilet and wanted to call Cassandra immediately to beg for her to take him back. "Sebastian, you shitted on our whole relationship because you wanted to get your dick wet."

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