36. Practice and Marijuana

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Chapter 36

That morning Cassandra arrived at school alone. She didn't have the comfort of Sebastian sitting with her at lunch or being with him after school. He was too sick that day to get out of bed, or at least that what he told his mother due to the exam, he had the first period that he would instead be pushed back.

Instead of that reassuring hand on her hip, that would make her feel a little less bad about her decisions. She had nothing, no writing, not even her jacket—which belong to Sebastian made her feel better. Eyes, so many sets of eyes fell onto her as she walked through the halls. Whispers, sentences that made her want to not been seen by the world for her decisions. Her friends weren't there to support her. Aurora wasn't there to fight away the taunts.

She was alone.

Alone in a place where she was met with cruel words from all sides. Not even when she arrived at music class—her happy place, did she truly feel delighted. Phillip, her ex, was there, and she refused to look up even to have the displeasure of meeting his gaze. Her body trembled, a stomach rumbled with the thought that he could say anything to her. Being in the same room made her body temperature shoot up in ways she didn't know was possible.

She didn't notice the man, who couldn't be older than twenty-two, walk-in. He smiled at the class and looked at every one of them in the eyes. He wore designer jeans, clean sneakers, and a button-down shirt with a navy sweater on top. An attire fitting for a teacher, but casual enough to not seem overdressed. His head tilted when he came to Cassandra. She was an outcast among the others.

Her chair was scooted a bit further away from the rest. She doodled in her notebook aimlessly, obviously not listening to what was being told of her.

"Class, I bet you're all wondering who this handsome man is."

The class murmured sharing, outlandish answers. Some included Mr. Bautista being her lover, a nearby band singer, and some said even her old student. "Wrong, wrong," she informed the class. "This here is Mr. Bautista. He will be our class helper?"

He raised an eyebrow when the word helper was spoken. "Helper?" He laughed. "Yeah, you can say something along the lines of that. I'm here to help you all whether you're interested in instruments, singing, um...maybe even a little dancing," he added, earning a few laughs. "I'm in my last year in college, and this place here or project is my internship or sorts."

"How long will you be here?" A student peeped up.

"For the rest of the year. I'll be here for about three days a week—helping you all."

"What are you majoring in?"

"Music," he informed the curious students. "Speaking of music. How about I play you all something? It'll be a cool way for me to show off my talents, maybe convince some of you guys in coming after school to learn a thing or two."

"That would be lovely," Mrs.Whitecotton clapped. He took a seat at the piano; he played the first key enchanting the class. Cassandra didn't lookup. She didn't care for the new teacher to help her singing career. It was no point to her. She couldn't perform either way. Another situation that came because of Sebastian. She continued to doodle as he sang.

He was undoubtedly a better singer than Phillip. His breath, the way he could change from a higher pitch to a lower with no effort at all. Her circles got darker and darker, the more she traced it. She colored it in, filling it with blue. Her next drawing was a heart. She couldn't help but put little cracks in it as she drew.

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