35. Privacy and Chinese Food

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Chapter 35

He turned off the ignition and looked over at Cassandra. Her stomach churned as she watched everyone go into the school. Saturday and Sunday's festivities were not enough to calm Cassandra. "We should go to the amusement park and skip school," she suggested from the passenger seat. "We could get on that one rollercoaster you like."

He knew what she was doing. She even offered fellatio to the teen to prolong going to school to which Sebastian denied. He knew what she was doing. Albeit, it almost worked. "Maybe tomorrow, let's go." He got out of the car and rushed to the passenger's side to open the door for her.

"I hate you for making me do this." She grabbed his hand and slung her book bag on her back. He squeezed her hand lightly while her grip only tightened. "You promise we're leaving for lunch?"

"I promise unless you want to talk to your friends and enjoy their company."

That didn't help the anxiety. The couple walked into the school, eyes. Hundreds of sets of eyes watched the two. Cassandra gripped his hand even more. A couple with so much drama and tears surrounding them were back together.

Cassandra's eyes were met with a camera and a flash. "What the fuck!" Sebastian yelled. He let go of her hand to approach the boy. "Did you just take a picture of us? What is the hell is wrong with you?"

"I-I," the words refused to escape their lips with Sebastian standing tall in front of them.

"Delete it now," he insisted. The teenager looked up to Sebastian. He took note of the flared nose, his balled fist. Sebastian Livingston was looking to murder the teenager in front of him. Cassandra stood back and watched the spectacle. Eyes began to follow the three students.

Cassandra approached Sebastian and grabbed his arm. "Come on, let's go."

Sebastian looked down at Cassandra and then to the teenager, "if I find our pictures anywhere, then consider yourself dead." He pulled Cassandra towards him and walked to her locker. Eye, everyone eyes followed Cassandra as they walked down the hall. It made her stomach retch. She opened her locker and unloaded her books, taking out her necessities until lunch.

She closed her locker and stared up at Sebastian. She thanked the heavens; she lacked a class with her friends and ex until later in the day. She would have a few hours to enjoy being able to avoid her problem.

"It's going to be okay. The first days are always the hardest." He placed a kiss on her forehead and held her hand until they arrived in the classroom. He let her hand go. She didn't want him to leave her. She wanted the guy she left everything for by her side at all times. "I love you, Cas," he said.

"I love you too, Sebastian."

Cassandra sat through her classes with her head low. She received text messages from Sebastian. Words of encouragement that made her decision not feel as bad. She tapped her pencil when the clock seemed to move quickly to lunch. Lunch, her friends all together.

The bell rang, and she got up from her desk. Her legs were too heavy to walk. Her chest began to rise and fall at a pace too quickly for any fifteen-year-old girl.  Sebastian rushed to her classroom that was only four doors down. He ignored the lesson and recluded from using his phone to text Cassandra's kind words.

He stood outside her classroom. His eyes brightened up when he saw her. "Hey Cas," he extended his arm and placed her arms around him. He welcomed the looks he got when more and more people saw them together. He placed a kiss on the top of her head before they approached the lunchroom.

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