48. Sherlock and Salt

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Chapter 48

Cassandra was now a nobody—a foreigner in a country that is high school. She was just the new girl with big boobs and long hair. The fact that she overheard when she walked through the halls with a little too much pep in her step. No one knew of her talents, the string of drama that tended to follow her, or the fact that she had a voice of an angel. 

She was content with the fact.

She was content with her clean slate and reputation based on her body alone. No one called her the whore who cheated on her boyfriend. She wasn't the girl who fought in the middle of the hall. She was Cassandra, the new girl who was a mystery. 

She was determined to keep it that way. She would make a few friends, get good grades and go off to college. After a year, she and Bree would move in together, and she would pursue her life in music. She had a plan, an easy life laid in front of her that she planned out. 

She took her seat in the back and opened her textbook. She pushed her hair back and took note of everyone. There were small differences between her new school and Joan of Ark High. The school wasn't nearly as hot when she walked in. It was a comfortable temperature. She could wear leggings without being looked at weirdly, and her teachers treated her as if she was an actual human being, not a burden. 

The classroom began to fill, and no one took the empty seat next to Cassandra. She expected as much. She was the new kid and who wants to make friends with someone new junior year. It was stupid, everyone had a cliche, and she wasn't apart of it. 

She pushed back her hair and opened her phone, and sent a text to Bree. 

I'm officially the new kid with no friends - Cassandra.

Loser - Bree

Cassandra let out a snort and locked her phone. One thing that was the same was Bree. Her saving grace and her only friend. She didn't mind it. One good friend was worth more than a hundred bad ones. 

 She crossed one leg over another and took out her class essentials. "First day of school. Nothing could be worse than last year or the last few years," she told herself. Students began to fill, some took a look at her, but one particular boy took a second longer than the rest when he saw her. 

The air in her lungs left when she saw Adam. He didn't look the same. He was taller. His hair was no longer short—he had bangs and jet black hair. He didn't wear the usual hoodies that he was known for in middle school and a pair of jeans. His style was different, his clothes a bit darker, yet his shirt was bright enough to flag down a traffic sign. 

He stopped when he saw her. Adam was different, and Cassandra was different as well. His last text message burned her fingers as she gripped her phone. She still had his number, and she wondered if he had hers as well. It hadn't changed. Her feelings for the boy hadn't changed either. She realized it when she saw him. 

She thought rage would surge through her body, but instead, she laughed at how much he changed. 

Adam, her once best friend, was like a different person to her. 

Adam looked around the filling classroom, and his eyes landed on the seat. Cassandra smiled and moved the stuff placed on his side of the desk, indicating her want for him to sit next to her. She never imagined that her first day she would be reunited with a boy she thought was long gone. Adam took the seat. He was a few inches taller than Cassandra. He stood at a nice five foot ten, she thought—a good height for a sixteen-year-old boy, starting his junior year of high school. 

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