17. Blocked and Likes

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Chapter 17

Sebastian no longer sat next to Cassandra the next day in class. After Cassandra left class in a huff, Mr.Waterford begrudgingly decided it would be better for the two to be separated.

Cassandra smirked when she saw who Sebastian was sitting next to. Mr.Waterford took Sebastian's idea of sitting him next to the smelly kid that sat in the back. It was his way of solving the problem and giving him a good laugh as well.

Sebastian wished he had some of Cassandra's perfume that she carried all the time so he could spray his English partner. The lingering aroma of coconut was no longer next to him, and he missed it with every fiber in his bone.

After class, it took no time for Cassandra to pack her things and go to the choir room, her safe space. No longer was her safe place in her living room with a blanket and music. Her home was overrun with people. People she didn't know the names of until a few days ago. The place that was always known as hers was now gone.

A message came to her phone.

Hey. Its Walter, this is my number. You can save this number. Aurora and I are coming to pick you up from school today. I'm going to be in my police car, Walter texted.

Okay, Cassandra responded.

She arrived at the choir room, Phillip was there wearing a button-down and khakis, that his mother insisted on him wearing. He preferred to wear more comfortable clothing, like hoodies and jeans, t-shirts if it was hotter out. But that particular morning, his mother ordered him to wear something nicer.

"You look nice today," Cassandra said as she took a look at his clothes.

"Thank you. You do too. I like your flowers."

Cassandra bent the bottom of her dress, "Thanks, but this dress is old. I hardly think it deserves any compliments," she assured him.

"No, it looks perfect. Well, you always look good in everything you wear," Phillip sucked in his breath when the words came out. "So, do you need a ride today? My mom wanted me to ask you," he lied.

"Oh, no. My um... my stepdad?" She questioned. "He's picking me up from school."

"Why did it sound like you weren't sure. Is he really picking you up?"

"Yeah... he is. It's just, I sorta just met him a few days ago, and he and his daughter are moving in," Cassandra sighed. "It's a lot." Phillip smiled when he heard Cassandra speak of her home life. It was the first time in the last few days she wasn't either angry or sad. He rested his head on his hand as he stared at her. "And my step-sister is really... I don't know what she is."

"What do you mean?"

Cassandra took a seat in a nearby chair. "Well, for starters, she's completely against the whole thing. Last night, during dinner, she was grilling my mom."

"And you?"


"How do you feel?"

"About the marriage?" Phillip nodded his head, "oh, I don't really care. Mom is happy so that's all that matters to me." Cassandra truly didn't care, if her mom was happy.

She was happy.

"Plus, another thing is everything is so new, and they're moving so quickly. I haven't really grasp everything yet."

"Quick? What's quick?"

"Two days," she admitted. 


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