46. Corsages and Lug Wrenches

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Chapter 46

"Sebastian!" Malia sang in a far too pitchy tone for his ears. "I have a question for you. Damn, I would have brought flowers too, but that would be stupid."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you have any friends?" Sebastian asked. "Because you're always hanging around me, and I don't know if I like it or not anymore."

Malia swallowed the spit in her throat formed from the cutthroat remarks Sebastian has spilled from his mouth. He was in an erratic mood as of late, and no one knew why. Sebastian kept the secret tightly locked in his head. The image of Cassandra on top of a piano replayed so many times in his head it was as he could draw a stilled image. Every time he closed his eyes, he would try to think of anything but it.

It made his stomach retch so much that he threw up the moment Cassandra hung up the phone months ago, shouting he hated him. And for a time, Sebastian started to wonder if she hated her too.

"Well, you did like it when I was bent over in front of you, but I digress. I need a prom date."

"Wha— Malia, what did you have to ask me?"

Sebastian took a headcount of everyone he considered friends. Nick, but he hadn't texted him in months. Adriana couldn't be bothered due to her being off in a foreign country for a year, and then there was Malia. The girl he slept with few times and stuck to him like glue. Sebastian didn't bother to include the basketball team. They were just teammates—people he trusted on the court to pass him the ball and nothing more.

When they were off the court, for a time, they were just guys who wanted to take Cassandra from him. Guys who didn't care if he broke a leg or had to run an extra mile for missing a basket.

They were just teammates.

"What are you doing three weeks from Friday?"

He pondered what his plans entailed on a Friday night. As of late, he began talking to some guys on the internet, and they've been playing a series of video games until the wee hours of the night. It was fun. They all were around the same age as him, the oldest being eighteen and the youngest being himself with a guy a few months older.

"I'm hanging out with some guys."

"Guys? Oh," her eyebrow raised. "Can I join?"

"Is there anything you think about other than sex?"

"No, I only think about things I'm good at. But, that's beside the point, I need a prom date, and you're one of the best looking things here in the school, and we're friends." She batted her eyelashes at Sebastian.


"Really?" She squealed.

"Yeah, but what about the other guys? I heard one of the basketball players were going to ask you to prom?"

"Well, you know how I said the only thing I'm good at is sex?" He nodded his head, "well...he asked. I slept with him, and then he canceled with me. I guess he got what he wanted without having to take me to prom. So, now I'm dateless, and you're the only guy that's good looking and is willing to slow dance with me."

His lips formed a tight line. He knew what people said about Malia. Some, if not all, of it, was true. She embraced it even, joked about it with Sebastian too many times to count. But, the look in her eyes showed a girl who really wanted someone to like her for her.

Sebastian patted her shoulder, "so what color do I bring for your corsage?"

"Red," she smiled. "Red, and please practice your slow dance and make sure you're on time." Malia took her phone from her back pocket and sped down the hall. Sebastian couldn't help but smile as her figure turned the corner.

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