47. Books and First Steps

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Chapter 47

Sebastian Livingston no longer had his carefree days. The summer he planned to spend with his girlfriend of almost two years—or would be two years was done. Their relationship had no chance of being what it once was. His mind delved to his broken window and the outrageous price it cost.

Sebastian sat behind the ticket counter, staring at the door. His short sleeve black polo and matching slacks did nothing but make him feel stupider than what he already did. Every second he stood and watched the door made him regret taking up Cassandra and not telling what really happened to the window. The decision led to him needing to get a summer job and punishment for being irresponsible and reckless.

The broken car window was now fixed but not the dent in his pocket. His savings were gone, and the trust he finally earned with his parents was fractured.

Finding a job was easier than expected for June. Sebastian applied to the ice cream shop. The local library, and the movie theater, and the theater were the first to call back. He regretted it. He much rather worked somewhere else. Preferably a place that wasn't so dull. Sebastian looked down at his phone.

An hour passed yet, it felt like an eternity to the teenage boy.

"You look bored," Mia, his new coworker, said.

"What made you think that?" He continued to stare at his phone and took a small sip of the drink next to him.

"By the way, your eyes look. It screams death like your soul has been taken from you." Mia and Sebastian both attended Joan Ark High School, same age, and they even had classes together, but Sebastian never noticed her. She didn't have the type of looks that made teenage boys look twice at her. She was self-proclaimed as average—an average girl who had a thing for all things cinema with an obsession with sour patch kids. 

"You're very observant. Do you wanna sneak into a movie?" Sebastian asked. Mia pondered the question. Sneaking into a movie meant leaving their post with a possibility of being fired when they get caught.

"Every day, you test our managers' ability to fire us. Unlike me, you only need the job for the summer while this is my high school gig."

"I recognize my privilege, and I also recognize that this job is boring as hell, especially during times like this."

"You know," she took a book from under the desk. "You could start working on our summer project."

One day, in the midst of May, Joan Ark High School decided that their student's reading comprehension was at an all-time low. Even lower during the summer, so in turn, the school order students to read ten books, at least two hundred pages, and write a diary on each one. Sebastian had only read one book, The Giver. A novel he had read in middle school and quite enjoyed for the most part. But compared to Mia's ten books after an entire month of summer, he had done nothing at all.

"Reading is boring," Sebastian out and said.

"No, you are boring. Reading is fun."

"Movies are much more enjoyable."

"True, but my dear Sebastian, most movies—especially the good ones, come from books. Books are the foundation of everything you love, from video games to movies." 

"I guess," he muttered, unable to argue with Mia's logic. Sebastian checked the time. "Are you going to the library after work today?"

"Of course I am, I'm almost done with this book, and I need a new one. Why? Thinking of starting a book?"

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