18. Birthdays and Bracelets

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Chapter 18

For the last few days, the entire male population looked at Cassandra differently as she walked the halls. Some merely stared at her a few seconds longer. While others took the plunge of asking her out. She quickly denied every one but the attention felt good.

Cassandra took a seat in her first-period class, she began to hum to herself. Vicky came into the classroom, her usual face that was covered in makeup to hide her dark circles were not there that morning. She held her book bag in one hand and her coffee in the other.

Cassandra's eyebrow raised when she looked to her friend, "didn't sleep well?"

"That's an understatement. Anyways, did you see the fight this morning?"

"No, what fight?"

"Between Sebastian and some sophomore." Cassandra's stomach fell when she heard Sebastian got into a fight. She got up from her chair, "where are you going?"

Cassandra's eyes widen, and she sat back down. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he kicked the guy's ass. He's in the principal's office right now." Cassandra clenched her fist.

"Why did he even get into a fight with him?"

Vicky shrugged her shoulder, "no idea."


Sebastian sat in front of his principal. He had never been to the principal's office yet. "Sebastian, why did you attack another student?"

Sebastian, when he first came to school, was in a sour mood. That morning, he was reminded of the hundred dollar gift he brought for Cassandra that she would never accept. Even though they were broken up, he still wanted her to have it.

That morning when he was walking into class, he overheard some sophomores saying very sexual things about Cassandra, which led to a fight and Sebastian in the principal's office.

"I got into a fight," he muttered

"Yes, you did. Now tell me what happened?"

Sebastian sucked in his breath, "he was saying some very unfeminist things about a girl I know," Principal Riveria eyebrow raised. It was a known fact, she was a feminist that encouraged the protection of all women.


"Yes, and I just couldn't let him get away with it."

Principal Riveria crossed her legs, "okay, I'm a fair woman. Instead of suspending you like I was originally going to do. You're going to have in-school detention for the day."

In-school detention was like suspension but without the comfort of being home all day. He would be forced to be in a room with a teacher learning all day without the break of lunch with his friends. "Okay," he grimaced.

"Good, now go to room 412." The bell rang as Sebastian got up from the chair and walked into the hall. The halls were filled with students who had no problem staring at him. Sebastian readjusted his bookbag on his shoulders and walked up the endless flight of steps. As Sebastian took his last step up the stairs. Cassandra took her first down, they made eye contact.

Cassandra looked at Sebastian's now more chiseled jaw and sucked in her breath. His lip was busted and there was a slight bruise on his cheek. Sebastian couldn't feel it, so it didn't matter much to him.

Cassandra opened her mouth and closed it. She continued walking down the steps.

"Cassandra," Sebastian shouted which made her stop in her tracks. The last time they talked was a week ago when she called him a dick for sleeping with Malia.

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