5. Retros and Short Shorts

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Chapter 5

Michelle came home at two that morning. She knew because she heard her loud giggles and the sound of a man that she never heard before as well. Followed by loud moans that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Cassandra's conversation with Sebastian didn't last as long as she would have liked because of his parents. They were spouting off things that he has been told many times over and it put him in a too sour mood to want to call her back.

Cassandra stayed in her room until nine in the morning, to avoid running into her mother's guest. The strange man left at seven but she needed more time to compose herself with facing her mother. She held her doorknob and slowly opened the door. She was greeted with her mother who was smiling like a madwoman making pancakes. She hadn't cooked for Cassandra in a very long time.

"Hey mom," she smiled. Her smile was forced, and it hurt her face. "Did you have fun last night?" She asked as she took a seat at the island.

"I-I I did," Michelle stumbled to say. "It was very nice." It had been two years since she had sex with anyone, she had a string of partners after her husband's death five years ago but that sex-crazed binge ended soon after it started and was soon replaced with working day and night.

Walter, a patient of hers. He came in with a stab wound from working his patrols. He was a divorcee with a daughter a few months younger than Cassandra. After asking her for weeks on a date, she finally said yes, of course after he passed all his tests with flying colors. She was already attracted to the man, but the date took the attraction she had for the man to another level.

He was witty, smart and had amazing stories that would captivate her. Michelle was so smitten with him, she took him back to her place for the night and snuck him out in the wee morning before she thought Cassandra woke up.

She flipped the pancakes, "what did they say about your dress?"

"Oh, they love it. It was a good choice."

Cassandra nodded her head and stared at the golden saucers that were placed in front of her. She didn't ask any more questions, it would lead to her mother figuring out she knew about the whole ordeal.

Michelle's phone rang and she immediately answered, it was her work calling.

"Hello," she said. Cassandra's face dropped, no one called her. Her mother didn't have many friends, coworkers mostly. Her uncle Mike didn't care enough about them to check up on her and grandparents were on vacation. So the only logical option was to be her job. "Yes, okay, I'll be right there," Michelle said over the phone to her boss the director.

She sighed and looked at her daughter. Cassandra continued to dig into her pancakes even though her appetite left the moment the phone rang.

"Cass... shit," she cursed. "I have to go into work so I won't be able to go bra shopping with you."

"It's alright," Cassandra smiled. "I don't mind going by myself. Do you think you could drop me off at the mall since it's on the way?"

"Sure," Michelle smiled. The two got dressed and got into the car, in the backseat were the bras that Cassandra couldn't fit. She was going to exchange them for herself and get the correct sizes.

Her mother dropped her off to the mall, in fifteen minutes, "Make sure you have your pepper spray, check your Uber's license plate and lock the doors when you get home Cassy."

Cassandra nodded her head to her mother's instructions. She knew these protocols since her mother let her go to the mall by herself for the first time over the summer.  She wanted to keep safe and her mother wanted her too as well. She walked into the mall, it wasn't too packed to be noon at the mall on Saturday.

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