1. Romeo and Juliet

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Chapter 1

Part One: The Calm Before the Storm

Sebastian Livingston was fifteen when he first spoke to Cassandra Campbell.

The summer was especially hot that year, and the usual cool air that came from their school's radiator weeks before was broken that day. The classroom stunk of sweat and Bath and Body Works perfume with a lingering smell of ham sandwiches from lunch that afternoon. Mr.Waterford, who usually wore an entire suit, that consisted of slacks, a button-down, and blazer discarded that for a cooler approach.

He wore a light t-shirt, one that would allow air to come in with a pair of Khakis and a pair of old, beat up toms.

The classroom filled with twenty-four other students, sweat coated their bodies and the anticipation of going home rumbled in their chests. The class was silent as the listened to him talk, but noa single soul captured what he was truly conveying about the two lovers.

Sebastian wiped the sweat from his brow that built up from the half an hour of being in the boiling hot room. Cassandra took a sip of her water, the icy water brought a chill to her overheated body. It was the second of bliss that she needed to get through the last fifteen minutes of class without suffering from a heat stroke.

Romeo and Juliet, the kindred souls who fell in love too young and loved too hard.

Sebastian and Cassandra didn't care for the lesson, especially Sebastian. While Cassandra attempted to take useful notes, by writing exactly what was on the board and highlighting every few words that Mr.Waterford mentioned more than once. Sebastian only stared at the board filled with quotes.

Sebastian didn't quite like Shakespeare or his stories, who seemed to have given Mr.Waterford his sole purpose in life. The purpose of feeding highschool freshman his own opinions, and not forming their own on the matter. Sebastian didn't care to discuss a dead guy's pedophilic tendencies or search for hidden layers that he sure wasn't there. Or why, so many teachers, historians, and whoever else, he thought cared so much.

Sebastian didn't understand Shakespear or his ideals of a love story and he didn't care to try.

"Everyone should be taking notes!" Mr.Waterford bellowed to the class. Sebastian's ears perked up, the comment was towards him. Cassandra looked to her desk mate for a second and held back her snort. Sebastian sighed and took out his notebook, much to his dismay. His composition book, that was required for the class, held the words English written on it in black bold letters.

Sebastian looked up to Mr.Waterford who was staring right at him. Sebastian, if it was up to him would have thrown up a middle finger and left the classroom. But, he didn't care for another call from Mr.Waterford to his parents. Last week, when he called to explain the year, he mentioned his unenthusiastic attitude in class. In response, Sebastian couldn't play any video games for an entire week and he had to memorize a poem that he was sure wasn't in English as a make-up participation grade. Sebastion turned his notebook three sheats to reveal a clean sheet of paper.

He searched for his pen but it was nowhere to be found. His eyes trailed to his desk partner, Cassandra.

Cassandra was an attractive girl but nothing to really stare at or have wet dreams about, he thought. She was just a skinny girl who didn't possess the other attributes older girls in their school had at first glance. With a large number of freckles that covered her face. Every time Sebastian looked at her, he felt like getting a sharpie and connecting the darker dots on her face to reveal the big dipper.

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