Chapter 7

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?? pov

"Hyung, she looks so beautiful while sleeping, I want to hold her in my arms" I pouted.

"Haha, the cold prince has become a cute kid by just glancing at his soulmate" the tall man next to me laughed silently who is my Hyung my elder brother.

"Ahh, I am been literally waiting for her for 1 fucking year" I hissed.

"Shut up, I am waiting for last 2 years" he said.

"Ok let's go or else we will wake her up" he whispered.

"We will meet our all brothers soon and take you with us also" I said smiling like an idiot. My heart melts seeing her.

"Sleep well our queen 'Hyejin'" he said as he pulled me.


Hyejin pov

I felt frustrated and shake my head. I wish that I could get mind reading power tomorrow on my birthday so I can read their minds.



"Do you really want to read minds? Because you can!"

I heard a voice, I looked around but no one was there.

"Who are you? Show yourself" I said little terrified. 

"Close your eyes" the voice commanded. I closed my eyes, I was like standing in a totally black place. It was dark then a purple object came near me. 

"Fuck! who are you?" I yelled. 

"I am your freaking gem" he said. 

"Now, just sit down". 

"Doesn't a gem come to threaten or corrupt you when we turn 18 and also my birthday is tomorrow. How come you met me so fast". 

"Listen, I am with you since your birth. I am inside your mind and body. I have been observing and feeling what you have done since birth. You and I aren't ordinary person or gem honey".

"What, you saw me naked then? And read my dirty thought. Oh lord" I couldn't believe. 

"Yes" he giggled and I glared at him. 

"And to answer your question how come I meet you before you turn 18 and why I am being nice. So, as you know I have been observing you and know what is in your mind and heart. You are the purest soul of the world Hyejin. I have served many people in past including you also" he said. 

"Wait. You served me in past?" I asked

"In your past life idiot. I am going to explain everything so shut up" he said. 

"So, where was I? Oh yeah, so you know about the seven legends?" I nodded.

"And about the protector?" 

"I little bit, but I will have the complete information tomorrow from Mom and Dad's letter" I answered. 

"Ok let me tell you everything about the gem system, the vampire legends, their soulmate and protector" 

"Okay" I said little excited.

"So, since long time when a vampire or half blood is born, they get their rings with gems and know their power when reach the age of 18. Before 1000 years vampires, half bloods and humans lived peacefully with each other during the rule of the 7 vampire royal wonders and their queen soulmate who was a half-blood and the protector also. But everything changed after their death"

"But, isn't it just a story that they will change the mind and rule again? I mean you are saying they existed in real before 1000 years?" I was confused. 

"Yes they existed before but people don't believe now. Listen the most important thing. Gems are assigned to new master after their deaths, but I and the other gems I mean the gems of the seven legends are now only assigned to our old last master" 

"What do you mean?" 

"I am no ordinary gem, I am the gem of the protector the soulmate of the 7 wonders I served her. Now, I have to serve you" 

"You mean that I am the protector of the 7 wonders, the half-blood queen from my last life? Am I right?" he nodded. 

"But where are the 7 wonders, the royals?" I asked. 

"Your work is to assemble again together. You have already meet 2 of them" 

"Hyejin my dear listen, you know you are the most powerful half-blood vampire the whole freaking world. I mean more powerful than any vampire and the vampire wonders themselves also. Please don't freak out. But you have bring all of them together and save the world by changing their mind" 

"Okay, let me digest everything, I am the protector and soulmate of the 7 legends and have to bring them together and I have met 2 of them already and I have change the societies mind?" he nodded. 

"I didn't test you because I saw you grow up and I know what type of person you are. So, I didn't try to corrupt you" he said smiling. 

"What about my parents? And will you help me finding everyone?" 

"About your parents you will know later when you assemble all of them, I mean the 7 wonders. And don't worry I will be with you every time and help you to recognize everyone" 

"Do you think I am capable of doing this?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry. Let me tell never let yourself down, you are the most strongest person in the world I know. You will have 7 people to love you your whole life" he comforted me. 

"What about Jungkook and Jimin, what will I tell them? I am just a high school last year student" I asked. 

"Ohh about them I will tell you tomorrow. You will receive your powers tomorrow. We will talk more during that time. And well I am giving you the reading anyone's mind power now. Don't misuse it" he winked. 

"But another fact, you can't read the mind of the 7 wonders when they don't have eye contact with you, Especially the wonder having the darkness gem(purple gem). He has more control with his mind. He and you share the same power. Min reading, controlling but other than that you can read anyone's mind like all humans, half bloods and vampires" he explained. 

"When I need to talk to anyone will you listen?" I asked. 

"Don't worry I will come to disturb you every minute. Just summon me or remember me then I will at your service dear. You are my master though, it's my duty to be with you and help you" 

"I have heard many bad things about the gems. But you are really sweet" I smiled at him. 

"Thank you! Ok go make food for you Kookie and Jiminie" he squeled like a 5 year old kid when he gets a lollipop from his mother.

I opened my eyes to see my room ceiling. 

"Gem are you here?" I asked. 

"Yes" I heard inside my mind. 

"So, I can hear you inside my head like this?" 

"Yes, you can see me when you close eyes and just hear me while opened eyes". 

"Well this is interesting" I clapped my hands and went to the kitchen.


A/N -So who do you think '??' is and his Hyung? I gave enough hint. Both of  them are naughty😏

??- No I am not naughty. I know I am little cold but I am cute littl..


First time more than 1k words😂

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