Chapter 19

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Hyejin pov

"Guys!! I am back" I shouted waking them up. 

"Ahhhhhhhh" Jin shouted like a girl in surprise waking up. "What the fuck, why did you wake me up"

"You scared us to death suddenly collapsing you know" Jungkook slapped my arms. "I need my Jiminie!!" I whined. 

"Your Jiminie Hug bear in service, my cupcake" Jimin pushed everyone aside and hugged me. His hugs are the best, even if he is a vampire and has a cold skin. The hug is warm. 

I nuzzled into Jimin's neck and saw pouting 3 vampires. "Aww, I am gonna melt" I said looking at them. Jimin called them to join the hug and they jumped of us. I love them. "I know" my gem disturbed my sweet moment. 

"So, guys I think we missed breakfast time. How about we have a brunch and then go to meet our next wonder vampire" I suggested. "No no. You just fainted before a few hours, you need rest" Yoongi said. "I am fine. We have find all brothers soon. Don't you all want to meet them?" I said. "FINE" They all said. 

"Hey gem, how does this Namjoon looks?" I asked. "It's a surprise" We all made our way to the Headquarters of The Persona and helped Jin and Yoongi in disguising. Of course the celebrities of this group. 


"Oh my Satan

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"Oh my Satan. This is huge" I gasped. The building infront of us stool still made up of glass and looking all modern. "I can't understand why you use sometimes God and sometimes Satan to exclaim?" Jin asked. "Because I am the daughter of satan and god" I whispered giggling. "WHAT!!" he looked surprised. "Nothing lets go inside" I said pulling him inside the building. 

"Where can we find the CEO?" Jimin asked the receptionist. "Sorry sir, he doesn't meet with anyone and he is busy" the lady said checking out the boys. "But it is important" Jungkook said impatiently. 

"I am sorry sir do you have an appointment or anything? Actually Mr. CEO has went outside for a meeting" she asked staring at the 4 boys totally ignoring me. RUDE. I hear her weird thoughts. 

I pushed them aside "Yaah, look at me. Don't get dirty thoughts about them. They are already taken" I glared at her. "Call your boss now and say his soulmate is here and wants to meet him. Immediately" I compelled her. She looked stub born, so no way I was going to request her. She quickly made a call. 

"I am sorry, sir is not picking up. So I called his driver said they are actually coming back from the meeting now. They are on their way" she bowed saying. I waved off.

"Your powers are pretty amazing princess" Jin said. I instructed the receptionist to take us to his office room. Jungkook and Jin were playing and inspecting the room. Yoongi was half asleep and Jimin was bored. 

"I am bored, we are sitting here for past 10 mins" Jimin whined. "Its just 10 mins not 10 decades. Okay wait I have something interesting to keep your entertained" I said. I started make weird faces and the last one made Jimin fall on the ground. 

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