Chapter 38- Flying Emotions

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Hey! This will be brief but it's here because most of you don't read these. Just telling you that the next chapter will not be updated until this one recieves 20 comments and 90 votes. 

Thanks... Now enjoy the chapter!!

Becca's POV   

I woke to the familiar feeling of Demi's arms wrapped around me. A jolt of hapiness ran through out my body as I realized things would be like this for awhile. 

"Good Morning Sleepy Head." I said softly as Demi started to rub her eyes.

"Good Morning Baby Girl. How was your sleep?"

"Best I've had in a long time." I smiled.

"Good." Demi whispered while kissing my forehead then rolling out of bed.

"What are you doing?" 

"Making some coffee. You want some?" She kindly asked.

"No thanks." I said as I too got out of bed sitting down at the fold out table. 

After a few minutes of silence Demi spoke up. 

"So I've been thinking."


"Well ever since you told me about the whole singing on stage with me thing I have been trying to find an oppurtunity to bring you up on stage." I nodded, now a little anxcious. 

"So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to sing with me tonight?" She said with a huge smile across her face. All I did was shake my head over and over. There was no way I could go on stage tonight. For one I haven't lost enough weight yet and for another I'm not ready. I have zero self esteem and can barely sing as it is.

"I-I can't."

"Why not?" She looked hurt. Oh no, that is the last thing I wanted to do. 

"I-I'm just not ready yet."

"What do you mean you aren't ready. You're a Lovato you were born ready." She smiled at me reassuringly as she took a seat across from me.

"I-I just can't." 

"What are you so afraid of? I'm going to be right up there with you." I hesitated before I answered. 

"W-What if they don't like me?"

"Is that really what you're concerned about baby girl?" She spoke softly as she took both of my hands in hers. 

"Yeah." I spoke quietly.

"Why wouldn't they like you? You are very likeable my darling." 

"No I'm not, I am very unlikeable. I'm not good enough for anbody or anything. I still need to drop some pounds before I will even feel comfortable looking in the mirror, but even then I will still have to stare at my ugly face." I spoke frankly. There was a very long silence that took over the bus. I guess I had surprised Demi with my words. 

"Who broke you?" Demi managed to speak up, her voice sounding weak and fragile. 

"A lot of people." 

"Well don't believe them. You are good enough."

"For who Demi? I'm not good enough for Luke, Spencer or anybody else at school. I wasn't even good enough for dad. I just have to face the fact that I will always be alone and never be good enough for anything. Why do you think I stopped talking? I'm tired of the rejection Demi. I'm so tired of it. I thought maybe if I stopped talking I couldn't give people a reason to dislike me because I wouldn't be letting them in or letting them see who I truly am. It kills me so much inside to even think about the fact that I have no friends. I eat lunch alone everyday in the corner of the library. Nobody cares when they see me. Infact most of them laugh. I get bullied every day. No matter what I do everybody hates me. If it's not about my weight or my face it's about my grades. I'm getting dumber by the minute. I've come to realize that it's just not worth it because I'm not worth it." I let out a deep breath as hot tears began to sting my face. I was finally getting all of these emotions off of my chest.

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