Beach Love part 2

Começar do início

I scoffed and looked at my bikini. It was a black one with tiny pink palm trees everywhere. Unwillingly, I got it on. I turned and looked into the mirror. Not bad, I guess. Yet again, I'm not the most stylish person in the world. Then, I made my way to my wide opened window. Again, the windows in our house were wide open because we didn't have any glass or screens on them. They were just, opened. Well, when we sleep we put the curtains over them. I scanned the environment outside.

It was very warm and sunny out. The sun reflected off the sand so brightly that it was almost hard to look at it. Towards the ocean, the sun was still in the sky, but just barely. In an hour or so, it would disappear and the moon would come out to take it's place.

Then my thought got interrupted by a loud banging on my door. "Come on, Amber! I know you're done changing by now. Hurry Up!" Brady yelled impatiently. A little bit of a smile cracked through my lips. Oh Brady...I sighed when the bit of a smile disappeared and I walked over to the door.

My best friend was standing there looking at me in a pair of swim trunks, examining my outfit as I walked out of my room. "Hot." He enthused. I just shrugged. "Whatever. You're just trying to make me feel better. And newsflash, it's not working!" Right when that came out of my mouth I regretted it. That sounded super snappy when it was only supposed to sound sarcastic.

Luckily, Brady didn't take it offensively. "Okay grumpy, let's go." My feet lifted off the floor and I was in Brady's arms. His warm arms made me want to fall asleep. His touch was just so comforting, I don't know how I would survive through this time if he wasn't here. My mom can't even comfort me this much. "Mmm.." I sighed and snuggled into his arms.

Brady chuckled. "And why we broke up I will never know..." I heard him mutter, but I pretended not to hear it. He knew exactly why, he just didn't like it much.

Right when we stepped foot outside the intense sun beat down on my skin, warming it up instantly in the heat. Brady carried me out until the water came up to his knees, then he slowly sat me down. My feet touched the ocean floor so delicately, that it felt like I was touching the clouds. The warm ocean water licked my feet and traveled up my legs to my about mid thigh.

Brady looked at me, waiting for a response. I sighed and sat down right where I was. The water came up to my chest. Brady just smiled and sat down beside me. We looked toward the sun for a little while, just peacefully sitting there.

Then Brady turned to me, questions filled his eyes. "You're getting way better." He commented. All I did was nod. I don't think I really wanted to comment on that one, because of course my answer would be no way in hell will I ever be better. "How?" I asked, curious as to why he would think that. He shrugged. "Because you wouldn't do this. You wouldn't just relax and take in your surroundings. Instead you'd just lay there, like a lump on a log and absorb the sun. Not really thinking about anything." I turned to him, squinting through the sun's rays.

"How do you know I wasn't thinking about anything?" He chuckled and turned to face me. His eyes looked straight into mine. "Because I know you Amber. We almost have like a telepathic thing where I can almost feel the pain you're in. I know how you work. I can tell how you feel just by the movements you make. I can what your thinking about by the way you react to things. For example, being a smart mouth inside..." My lips curved into a bit of a smile. So he did notice. "That's you. Not this moping, sulky person." He finished.

For a moment, I thought about this. Then realized he was absolutely right. We sat there, Brady staring into my eyes and me staring at the water. "What are you thinking about?" Brady asked. My eyes traveled and met his. I didn't want to tell him what I was thinking about, because if I did it would give him all the wrong ideas. "I'm thinking..." His eyes lightened up a bit. "...that you don't need to know. And if you're so telepathic you'd be able to know." I laughed and rolled over onto his lap. His face scrunched up, a little irritated, then he chuckled. "Okay, okay. I guess I should've seen that one coming." His arms folded around my waist. I sat between his legs, like I always did, and stared out at the sunset. The sun was almost out of the sky now.

"Do you know what I'm thinking about?" Brady asked. I rested my head on his chest. "What?" He rested his head on mine. "I'm thinking about you. The most beautiful, sweet person I've ever met. And how she's in so much pain. I just wish I could help." My eyes trailed down to my wrist.

When me and Brady were going out he gave me a pukashell bracelet. The special part was, that he actually went out and got those shells himself. Then, there was a shark tooth on it. All smoothed out. When he gave it to me I remember exactly what he said. He said "This bracelet represents us. You're the pukashells because of your beauty, charm, and poise. And I'm the shark tooth because I'll fight anyone who tries to harm or hurt you. Even if I lose a tooth while I'm at it."

I smiled as much as I could, which wasn't very much, then turned around and kissed Brady on the cheek. "Thanks, but this is my thing. I don't want to bring you down just because I'm a little hurt. I could never ask that." He sighed. "Okay. I just hate to see you like this. Especially when it's been over two years now. Maybe you should sign up for college. We've been graduated for a year now." I could tell he was trying to hint me into it. He wanted to go, but he didn't want to leave me like this. I sighed. "Is that all I can give to you? For you being this kind to me and for sticking with me through all this? Going to college is all I can do for you?" He nodded. "Yup, go to college with me. So then I can keep an eye on you. I'll even let you pick the college."

I thought about this, then shook my head. "I don't know Brady. I mean, what if we don't even get in? Or what if one of us gets in and the other doesn't? I don't know if I'm ready to go out into the world again." Now it was Brady's turn to think. "How about we sign up for a few different colleges. Then we could compare which ones we get accepted into and then choose. We're bound to have at least one college in common." I looked down at the sand under the water and started tracing a design into it. "I don't know...what if I'm not ready? I haven't stepped foot outside of my house...or I guess my property, for a whole year now. Ever since I've graduated. What if I'm not ready?" Brady gently grabbed my hand and began tracing the sand with me. He wrote the words 'you are' into the sand.

"You're ready. I can tell. I'm telepathic, remember?" He chuckled and I laughed. "Okay. But I get to pick the colleges?" I asked. He nodded, then an idea popped into my head. "Okay, I already got a few in mind."


Hey thanks for reading!! Please...




Thanks!! Hope you guys like it so far!!

Beach Love [Sequel to Unexpected Love]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora