Chapter 89: There is the Disapearing Light

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A/N Want to reiterate that Angel is way more powerful then Hope when it comes to Magic. She also has more of a dark side than Hope does.
The power was starting to consume her."Do it again. Harder this time. All of that pain, that simmering darkness. You need to purge it before it eats you alive." She was standing by the rail panting what they were doing was not helping.

"DAD!" She didn't want to hurt him this was helping the whispers but not a lot they were still there.

"Give me your anger Angel." Kol would do anything to help his daughter if she needed to get out her anger. He was going to help her to do just that.

She turned around and screamed making several things break as well as throwing her father against a wall. She liked getting her anger out but he wasn't even the one she was angry with. She wanted to hurt the people that were the reason for her mother being dead. She wanted to see the people trying to take out her family bleed."Its not working"

He was sitting up against the wall while she was holding the banister. Both the father and the daughter were panting."Your holding back"

Angel turned towards her father as he got up."You really think I want to feel this way? No matter how hard I try to get it out, I don't feel any better. You're not the one I want to hurt dad you know this better than anyone. When is taking your anger out on the people you love good for anyone." She needed to hurt someone who deserved it if it was one thing that her mother had taught her it was that your not supposed to hurt the people you love no matter how much they tell you to.

"Give me a name." He knew that his daughter was right this was not going to get her anywhere. She needed someone to take her anger out and she knew that his daughter had a specific person in mind.
Angel was face to face with Roman."Dad can i do this alone."

"I'm going to go check on your sister."

"Please don't leave me in here with her."

Anthony flashed to Freya with Marcel and Josh."He needs a cure and he needs one now." There was no way that he was going to let his wives best friend die.

Freya ran and got on injecting into his arm."He'll be fine." They were not losing anyone else.


Angel put her hand out grabbing the knife telepathically she had Roman standing in front of her. Her dad wanted the name of the person that she wanted to kill and that was who it was. "You killed my mother the only person that i knew would be there when all the bad things happened in our family. The woman that gave birth to me that put her needs above mine. That would do anything for me despite the fact that when i became a teenager still was always there with me. Didn't care when i caught an attitude because she knew i got it from her."

"My mom died to."

She flashed to him grabbing him y his throat."Your mother is not my mother." She squeezed making him groan giving him a glare making his brain start to boil." My mother was kind she was caring she wasn't trying to start a war. She just wanted to keep her family safe. And you used my cousin to try and take out hybrids my mother would never willingly hurt someone if they didn't deserve it. My family was already going through a hard enough time without you and your bitch of a mother coming in and ruining it."

She saw the veins coming up her arms pulling away from him."I didn't want-"

"Don't finish that?" She put her hand out making him start to scream."You deserve everything that you get." She threw the knife down and flashed out.


Klaus and Elijah were arguing when Kol came in with Hayley."What are you doing here Elijah?"

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