Chapter 88:We have notlong to love

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 Angel was sitting in her room reading a book when there was a knock at the door."Come in."

Abigail walked in with Kol."Theirs someone i like you to meet?"

"Who is she?" She didn't want any surprises she just wanted to be left alone she knew that the voices were never going to go away. But if it was one thing that she had gotten used to it was pretending that nothing was going on.

"I'm Abigail i was a friend of your mom's." Abby new that this was hard for Angel no matter how much she denied it.

She knew who she was and the things that her mother had helped her with. "Don't Care what do you want?"

"To help?" 

"You want to help?" She stood in front of Abigail. Who suddenly looked a little scared she knew that Angel was a lot like how her father used to be but with her mothers morals." How did your spell go wrong the one my mom helped you with so that they would all come back if something were to happen? It didn't work for her did it."

"It should have." Abby had no clue what had went wrong with the spell.

"Yeah, i know she should have come back by the next day but she didn't. She should still be here i shouldn't have had to tell my little sister that our mom was dead. She died thinking i hated her do yourself a favor and leave before this gets ugly." She didn't want any of their help she wanted to be left alone to deal with it herself.

"Your strong like your mom she wouldn't want this for you. You're as powerful as they come Angel everyone knows you do whatever you have to in order to protect your family. But let me tell you something who is going to protect them if it takes you." She knew that one thing Angel did not let happen was her family getting hurt.

"The hollow wanted me to begin with it can try i don't lose. Not to anyone." She pushed past her and headed out. She didn't want to hear it they were right she had power and she had the power to stop this thing.

She held up a necklace. She knew that would get her attention. "Angel you need this necklace it was your mothers i enchanted it to stop the voices to give you control."

She turned to face Abigail she didn't care what they wanted she just wanted to mourn he never got that chance. "I don't want it what i want is for everyone to leave me alone and let me mourn my mother in peace. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?" All the windows in the compound broke as she started to slow her breaths.

She knew that if she was anything like Elena she would put it all on her shoulders. And if she was anything like her father no one was going to be able to come close to helping her without getting hurt. "Your father your aunts your uncles couldn't come close to each other because of what you have inside you they dealt with the whispers with it all. I know you get the need to prove yourself and beat everything, but this is not it."

Angel held out her hand telepathically taking the necklace. She put it on. She just wanted them all to leave her alone."Their can i go now?" She turned and flashed away. She was running through the woods when the voices started again getting louder. Her skin started to sizzle. She couldn't think of anything and she yanked the necklace off and they started to get louder. She fell to the ground and screamed as the necklace started on fire. She didn't care what anyone had to say she would do it on her own.


Angel flashed back into the compound and fell to the floor screaming as Lily Hayley Hope Faith and Grace ran down. The voices were really starting to irritate her soul and she just wanted them gone.

Hayley helped her stand she was worried about her niece. "Didn't she give you a necklace."

"It's not working. "Klaus and Kol flashed down she held her head in pain. "OH GOD!" She ust wanted to throw something.

It takes TWO- KolenaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin