Chapter 39:Exquisite Corpse

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Elena heard yelling she vamped out and seen Klaus and Haley looking at Hope."What the hell just happened"

"Get back in the room stay there with Angel Eva is out" Klaus growled.

"Oh shit" Elena vamped to Angel's nursery and seen her sleeping peacefully. She took a deep breath scared for what was happening.


The next day Elena grabbed the shackles from her trunk and went to Klaus' study where Marcel Haley and Klaus were.

"Marcel find her and put them on her" elena ordered.

"Find Rebekah-- or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was-- use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister." Klaus said.

"Alright, I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch-kids. The twenty-four hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to? Ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her." Marcel said. His voice rang with worry,

Klaus turned towards Haley."Go to Elijah. Get her to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt."

"And leave Hope? Don't you think I should stay here and protect our daughter?" Haley said.

"Try to make me i'm making you go unconcious" Elena said,

"Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army. Not to mention the fact that I'm here, and I know the best way to protect our child is to get Rebekah out of that serial killer's body and back into the original model." Klaus said

"Hmm. And, what will you be doing while we're out doing all the dirty work?"  Haley asked

"Why, tending to the even dirtier work, as usual." Klaus said,"Elena can babysit."

"I'd be happy to watch my neice Eva can't enter my room." Elena said.

"So it's settled we have our jobs" Klaus said.

Elena was watching the two girls play when her phone started to ring."You need something you only call me when you do i swear thats the only time this phone rings"

"Yes Lena i need something" Marcel said.

"Which is" Elena asked

"I know your on babysitting duty but i'm sending Cami over. Eva got Davina. And well you have magic"

Cami walked into the room."I'm here"

"I'll be right over" Elena said.


Elena walked in and seen Vincent talking to Eva."Ok i'm tired of people threating my family."

"And who might you be" Eva asked.

"Little sister to Elijah Rebekah and Klaus. My daughter was in that house last night" Elena said."I'm a witch and a vampire and i'm very pissed off"

"Witch" Eva asked.

"Yes and you have my sister so if you don't return her it will get bloody real fast." Elena asked.

Vincent snatched the cuffs off of Eva and quickly put them on Elena. Then Eva knocked her out.


Elena vamped to the compoud and seen them talking."Get these things off of me now" Marcel walked over to her and took them off."When i see that witch i am going to kill her. And vincent."

"Rebekah is still in her body" Elijah said.

"Damn it where is Freya" Elena asked.

"Niklaus took her after killing her and putting cuffs on her" Elijah said.

"Elijah" Elena groaned.

Marcel cell starts to ring."When I find you, I am going to rip your head from your neck."

" You may want to hold off on that decapitation-- I found them all. Davina's alive.." Vincent said. Marcel was shocked.": Sorry, I had to make it look convincing! If you were in on the plan, Eva would have known. And please tell Miss gilbert i'm sorry for the cuffs"

"Elena wants to kill you. What now" Marcel asked.

"Now, we got a problem. These kids, they're all linked to her. If she dies, they all die." Vincent said.

"So, we'll find a witch to unlink them." Marcel looked at Elena.

"Gonna need some serious power" Vincent said.

"I know a girl that can channel two originals" Marcel said."Be there soon" He hung up and smiled at Elena.

"Me" Elena asked.

"Your the only one with that much power besides Freya but they don't trust her do it for Davina" Marcel said.

"Davina is trying to steal my boyfriend" Elena said.

"Then do it for the innocents who might die for Rebekah" Haley said.

"Fine i can try" Elena sighed. She was scared that she was going to fail. But she had to try.


Elena and Freya were at the warehouse."Since Klaus is to paranoid. Were both going to channel you. Together we can let them in her mind"  Freya said


Klaus pulled Elena and Freya away from Elijah and everyone except Eva started to gasp awake.

"Oh yay she's awake i'm gonna go now. I have to go watch my daughter" Elena vamped out. Leaving them alone.


Elena walked downstairs where Rebekah and Klaus were talking."You want to bring your brother back make sure she stays out of my way. Vincent agreed to train with me. And the sooner i get the power the sooner Angel has her father back"

"I'll keep her out of your sight but she has to believe that she can bring him back and i can help" Rebekah asked.

"Great we have a plan" Klaus said,


Freya and Elena were with the witches."Well i don't trust vampires you showed tremendous strength to help everyone. You proved that not all of you are bad. And for that we kindly appreciate you and after all you are a french quarter witch." Josephine said.

"Thank you" Elena smiled

"You need help just ask" Jospehine said."This is your home and you are now offically apart of the coven. The next full moon you channel this for your ressurection spell" Jospehine handed her a necklace."We are forever in debted to you two for saving the lives of our children"

"Thank you" Freya and Elena said.

"Everyone welcome the two newest witches to the french quarter coven. Elena Gilbert and Freya Mikaelson." Josephine said. Everyone started to clap.

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