Chapter 94

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Elena and Kol were in their room she knew that she needed to talk to him. She owed him an explanation to everything that was going on. She sat down on the bed next to him. "Sorry i had to do it."

"I thought you were done playing the martyr." He loved his wife more than anything in the world, but he hated the situations that she often put herself in. He hated that she risked her life like that, and he had hoped that she wouldn't be like that again.

"We both know i will always be that way and nothing will change that. And we both know that makes you love me more, that I'm willing to risk it all." She knew that it was dangerous for her to do.  But it was who she was she would always risk everything to save those that she loved.

He nodded it was true that would always be one of those things that he oved about her. That she was willing to risk it. But it also scared him thinking that something was going to happen to her. "Did anyone know besides them?"

She knew that was coming that he was going to want to know if anyone ese had known about the plan she had. She wasn't going to lie she had told Hayley. They had made a deal long ago and they were sticking to it. "Hayley my brother can still see ghosts I had him talk to her."


"I needed her to watch out for Angel i knew you would be able to handle it better than her." When it came to showing emotion and hiding it. She was always going to show it and he was always going to hide it and act as if it did not affect him.  "You were always stronger when it came to that."

"No i wasn't." He hid his emotions acted like nothing affected him even if it did.

She knew that her daughter was a lot more like her father than she was like her. She knew that her and him had a lot of differences, but they made them work. "The one thing that our daughter gets from me is that she cannot handle losing the people she loves. She can't keep the emotions to herself. She is not able to hide them for people. Everything else she always got from you. I broke every time something happened to you. We were always meant to be together because we complete each other because we were complete opposites in every aspect."

"That is not true." He did not believe that they were complete opposites of each other.

"That's a lie." She knew that they had been married for over a decade and they got along great and completed each other but they were complete opposites of one another.

"How." He didn't see how they were so different.

"I couldn't handle losing you i would break you knew how to be strong." She never knew how to stay strong when she lost someone she always broke down. "I was nicer i always seen the best in everyone. You never trusted anyone. Everyone had to be up to something. " She knew that she trusted to easily and that was something that she had bad.

"That's only two things" He reminded he did not think that they were that different.

"You use magic to hurt people i use it to help. You trusted me better then you did your own brothers more than Hayley that's why you used to follow us with our secret meetings in the woods." She hadn't known originally that he had known about that, but she didn't care what she did was to protect him to protect her family. "Marcel told me awhile back you had known about that. We both lie but for different reasons."

"Are you sure she can do this?" He knew his daughter was strong and she liked being very bipolar when it came to her feelings.  But she could do anything that she put her mind to.

"Angel can do anything she puts her mind to she gets that from us. And the one thing that they got that y'all didn't. They can work together when it comes to anything." She knew that the girls could do it. They were strong and they worked together they could do it together. "I know you don't want anything to happen to her and I'm telling you that everything is going to be fine. She will be fine everything is going to be ok we make it through everything she can handle everything that is thrown her way."

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