Chapter 29: Chasing the Devils' Tail

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Elena arrived in Mystic Falls. She went to the grill where she found Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan and Damon.

"Elena what are you doing out of New Orleans" Caroline asked.

"I can't be there right now" Elena asked.Her phone started to ring."I got to take this." She walked away from the group."Hello"

"Where the hell are you" Davina asked.

"I went out of town D i can't take it i need a few days to myself i'll be back soon i destroyed her Nursery last night i finally cracked. If he goes looking don't tell him you talked to me. I miss Angel to much to be around New Orleans dealing with wolfs i want to kill."

"You got the Devil's star" Davina asked.

"I don't leave without it" Elena said.

"Ok be safe Lena" Davina said.

"Always" Elena smiled.

Then Cami called."Can i borrow your dark objects"

"Why" Elena asked.

"Were going on a witch hunt" Cami said.

"There under my bed in a locked chest the key is in the picture of Angel on my dresser put them back when your done the last thing i need is to tell him i lost all his dark objects and don't touch the small locked chest" Elena said.

"I heard about what happened i'm sorry Elena" Cami said.

"Its fine Cami i just finally cracked i gotta go don't tell anyone i answered especially the witch with Davina bye Cami" Elena hung up and walked back towards the group. Tyler and Jeremy were there. She slid into the booth.

"Hows New Orleans Elena" Tyler said.

"I still want to kill you" Elena spat.

"I didn't kill you" Tyler said,

"You stuck a needle in my stomach and took blood from my daughter so go to Hell Tyler the day that you die will be the best damn day of my life" Elena said,

"What got you angry" Caroline said.

"My daughter the reason i got kidnapped she's gone partly because of this fool he's lucky i don't kill him right here he knows i'm not the same girl don't you Tyler" Elena said,

"Look i was just trying to stop your physco new family from making hyrbrids" Tyler said.

"We didn't know anything about it until you said something and Elijah put a stop to it so did Rebekah before she got kicked out of town. And even she told me tht he would never do that to his daughter and you hurt Haley for no reason unlike me she cracked weeks ago i just cracked and i'm having a bad week so if you don't shut your trap when i do go back i'll be killing you before hand" Elena said.

"Damn Lena got tough" Damon said.

"Shut up i came to get a distraction from my life can y'all help or i am i going right back to pain" Elena asked,

"What happened" Caroline said.

"Officially story Angel and Hope Mikaelson got killed by wolfs and Esther succed in destroying them real story they got sent away with Rebekah away from there parents for protection" Elena said. Tears flowing down her eyes,

"I'm sorry Lena" Jeremy said,

"I broke yesterday i've been looking for a true distrction the only real one i had to send to help my sister. I tried killing the werewolves responsible didn't take helping Haley didn't take i destroyed her nursery yesterday. Haley did thaat to Hope's weeks ago but yesterday one of the wolfs said you still angry the wolfs hurt your daughter i went home and i snapped i destroyed the whole room couldn't stay there. I need a few days to myself." Elena sighed.

"Hey everything will be fine your stronger then you look" Bonnie said.

"She's right Elena if anyone can get through this it'll be you" Stefan said.

"I don't doubt it Elena if anyone can get through this its you" Jeremy said.

"I just want my little girl back i got her the first week Elijah and Klaus agreed to let me sit out the war with the wolves right after someone tried to kidnapp Angel and Hope they got Hope but not Angel i sat safe while everyone else was in danger" Elena said.

"Hey Elijah and Klaus let you then you deserved it they understood" Caroline said.

Elena's phone started ringing it was Kol,"He was not supposed to know i left." She answered it and put the phone to her ear."Checking up on me again,"

"First your sister is a horrible liar she's distracted in a spell second Haley texted me a picture of the destroyed nursery are you ok." Kol asked.

"Shouldn't i be asking you your human i'm a vampire" Elena said."I'm helping Cami take down Finn right now were in Rouseaus."

"Cami is at Marcel's" Kol said.

"Damn it aren't you supposed to be watching Davina not checking up on me i keep the Devil's star on me and i killed a whole bunch of super powered werewolves i am fine" Elena said."Don't worry about me make sure she is ok i'll be back in a few days if i stay i may muder every werewolf in town"

"Stay safe."

"I always do don't let her do anything stupid Bye" Elena hung up,

"I'm nosey so i'm gonna ask who's the guy with the british accent" Caroline asked.

"I don't know what we are yet its been a long week" Elena said.

"I am going to risk this that is a certain original" Bonnie said.

"He got back not long ago. He's watching my sister." Elena said,


After a few hours of talking Elena got a call. From Haley.

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news i'm in your room they returned everything. But Marcel kidnapped Kol and I got Finn."

"I'll be there tomorrow don't worry i want to stay a few more hours."

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