Chapter 80: Where you left your heart

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7 years later

"In all my travels, France never disappoints. Now I find I'm physically drawn to the place, as if locked in an orbit I'm helpless to alter. I suppose we're all satellites orbiting those we love. Recently, though, I'm left to orbit from afar, and to pass the time by dropping in on old acquaintances. Entres nous, in , the Gatineaux family and I had a little falling out. I'd really like to put that to rest. So if you'll just... stand aside? You must've heard of me. Klaus le Fou? Klaus le Dement? Niklaus der Morder? No? Nothing?"

The bouncers heart gets ripped out. Caroline holds it up."I was gone a week and already threatening the tourists."

"Hello Love." All the frightening people waiting in line looked at him. He took a bite out of the heart she was holding before spitting it out."I myself Prefer Klaus the mad and this is my beautiful wife. Do spread the word."

Hope had just sold some of her blood to a kid named Henry. Angel snuck up behind her."What you doing?"

"Angel" Hope turned to look at her older cousin."Seriously."

"I seen that stop selling your blood."

"You don't get to call me out Angel."

"Yeah i do because i'm older then you. I'm sorry about everything your going through but this is not what we do."

The girls were sitting in there dorm doing work when there was a knock at the door."Come in."

They both turned towards the door."Mr/ Williams what's up" Both girls stand.

"Mr. Saltzman wants to see you two its about Henry Benoit"

"Is um Mr. Saltzman calling my mom and aunt." Hope asked.

"That and he thinks your dad should know what you've been up to both of you. Angel you are not slick he has been lient on you because he knows your doing this because your moms been worrying about Lily."

"Well good look finding him."

"I don't know what your talking about." Angel gave her dad's signature smirk.

"As a matter of fact he already got in touch with Caroline. Pack your bags you two are going home. And so are your two accomplices"

Hayley, Freya, Josh and Vincent were in Rouseau's dealing with Martigras prep."Okay so we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep."

Josh looked at Vincent."Oh, come on, Vincent, we got this. All right? It's gone off without a hitch for, what, seven years now?"

"Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years. Let me remind you: moments of prosperity are invariably followed by times of great pain, unless we remain vigilant."

Freya raised her glass."Thank you Mr.Buzzkill"

"Okay, Freya, what you gotm Mardi Gras Prep." Vincent asked.

"The witches will be working on their float in the city of the dead."

"The werewolfs are in the Bayou."


Josh looked away from his phone which kept buzzing."Yeah?"

"Hmm? This is when you're supposed to say that the vampires are gonna steer clear of both."

Josh looked up from his phone to Vincent"Yeah. Uh, actually, maybe we should offer them some sort of incentive."

Hayley looked at him."Seven years of peace and prosperity not enough?

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