Chapter 78: Vodoo Child

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Elena was talking with Klaus when they heard things hit the floor as they walked into the study where Elijah was. Klaus looked at Elijah."We should be celebrating your return, brother."

"Perhaps later."

Elena. and Klaus both turned to looked at Elijah."Hayley's still not talking to you, then. Give her time, she'll come around."

Elijah turned to face the two."Will she?"

"Eventually." Elena said.

Rebekah walked into the room." All right, can we please put a moratorium on all of this sulking? It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother is back. Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere, not to mention me.  Kol is safe and not dead. I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."

"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can? Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement."

Elena chuckled."Oh i'm pretty sure Rebekah can stay as long as she wants when did you get home last night."

"None of your business. Sulky."

"I'm pregnant whats your excuse."

" He will grant us no such thing. We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure."

"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely. You boys really should leave these matters to me." Rebekah smirked.
Freya went to the Emergency Center where Keelin worked with Coffee in hand. Keelin was walking out talking with a co-worker."You look good for an all-nighter."

Keelin walked over towards her."Hey what are you doing here?"

Freya handed her the cup of coffee."I... Just needed to see you." She turned and the two started to walk.

" Since the whole greeting me with coffee is completely un-you." They sat on a near by bench. And looked at eachother as Keelin continued."I'm trying to figure out how worried I should be." Freya looked down at her cup then back at keelin." What is it? Are you okay?"

Freya looked down at the ground and started to explain."We defeated the Hollow yesterday. Before we killed her." She looked up at Keelin,"she got into my head. Confronted me with a vision. One meant to capitalize on my darkest fear."

"What did you see?"

"You. Lying there, dead. Your blood on my hands and I... couldn't save you."

Keelin moved the hair out of Freya's face resting her hand on the side of Freya's head."Hey. You got me. Exhausted, but still alive. Right in front of you."

"I just kept thinking about all the things I didn't tell you. Everything that I feel for you."

"What is it you feel about me, Freya Mikaelson?"

Sofya looked at Marcel."Marcel... Marcel, I can feel her. The Hollow's still out there somewhere. I know she is."
"I'm saying that by now, the Ancestors should've been able to imprison her spirit. That didn't happen. The spirit's still out there. So she must've had a plan B."

Rebekah opened the door to Marcel's pent and walked in."Look, i'm a little busy right now. The girls went with Josh to get Ice cream."

She closed the door.": Then I'll get to the point."She started to walk over to where he was sitting at a table."I know that the deal was for my family to leave town once our enemy was defeated, but... "She stopped as he turned a little to face her. She was a few feet away from him."there may be opportunities lost if we stick to those terms."

It takes TWO- KolenaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora