Chapter 72: Bag of Cobras

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Hayley and Elena entered the compound to see people walking around with decorations. They both had confused looks on there face. Klaus was standing on the balcony watching as they decorated. Hayley looked up at him."We were heading out and now we're throwing a party? I see."

"One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures." Klaus said.

"I thought that everyone here wanted you dead." Elena asked,

"Oh they do dear sister. But they love Marcel. And as the invite states, he is the co-host. Tonight we celebrate our truce." Klaus said.

"So you're throwing a fake party, in honor of a fake truce and your guest of honor is in a dungeon?" Hayley asked.

Elena shook her head. She huffed."Is this really a smart idea."

Klaus started to walk down the steps."Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters, besides I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with The Hollow."

"Have fun with that. Hope and Angel are with Mary i'm just here looking for Freya." Hayley said.

Klaus walked past them to the table making them turn and face him."What do you need of her?"

"Just a favor." They walked closer to him as he turns to face them.


Anthony Davina and Cami were hiding out in St. James."Why are we hiding again." Davina asked.

Cami groaned. She knew that Davina wanted to go out but they couldn't."Davina i know that you want to go. I know you hate being here and being able to do nothing while they get to do everything. But there is a good chance we try we die and we do not come back."

"I don't want to go i just hate that we have to hide. They say that Marcel did all of this because i was dead so why not i don't let me try to fix this." Davina saikd.

Cami looked at Anthony."Can you talk to your physco girlfriend."

"Last time i tried she tried to make me pass out so i'm good." He took another sip of his drink.

Davina turned towards him."I am not that bad,"



Freya and Keelin were at Rousseau's drinking. Freya looked over at Keelin who was in the stook next to her looking at her."We Mikaelson's do know how to party. Live music, open bar, dancing. Of course, you don't have to come."

"Uh, do you know how long it's been since I got to dress up and drink free booze? If there's a party, I'm in." Keelin nodded.

Freya looked at her and smiled."Good." They laugh and smile at eachother."Although, there is one matter that needs to be addressed, so things aren't awkward." Hayley and Elena walk in they both turned to look at her."Speaking of which."

Keelin nods and smiles."Yeah."


Keelin was throwing darts at a dartboard landing it in the middle.  People around her cheering. Hayley looked at Keelin." I like her for what it's worth."

Freya laughs lightly." Uh, all the same, I should have told you she was still here. I'm sorry I didn't."

"Well, you can make up for it by doing us a favor. Elena's magic is still not the best we need to keep Davina under Radar. We don't need to get Kol involved in this. " Hayley said.

"Be more precise please" Freya asked,

Hayley sighed."I learned about the man who killed my parents. He was connected to The Hollow. I was just a baby when they were killed, I don't remember it, but I, I do know where they were killed. I was hoping maybe with your spells, and your witchcraft.."

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