Chapter 84: Don't it just break you heart

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Elena walked into the penthouse as Greta picked up the coin and said."It's me your looking for. Perhaps we should talk."

Elena flashed to her and locked her in a headlock."Where is my sister."

"Sister let her go i think she should come home with us."

Elena snapped her neck she was pissed how dare someoene try to hurt Hayley.
Klaus had taken her hostage and now was drainging her of blood. Elena was sitting in the corner watching while Klaus tourtured her."You know, for someone who organized this little summit, you're woefully short on details. So I'm going to ask you one last time. Where are you keeping Hayley?" He flashed and sat her up stabbing a knife in her hand."You knew we'd have this little chat. No doubt you binged on vervain till your throat was red and raw. And now, sadly, drip, drip, drip... All over the floor it goes."

"Sein Mangel an vision... wird sein untergang sein."

"His lack of vision will be his downfall." Elena translated. She was good with languages but she didn't like this woman one bit.

"Thats what he always said about you."

"He?" Klaus asked.

"You and I have a friend in common."

"Oh i sinerely doubt that."

" It's true. August Müller. I don't blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago. Rostock, Germany. Spring. 1933."
" Do you remeber him now?"

"As an elephant considers a gnat..... merely a trifle."

" That trifle is my Bodhidharma, my Guru Nanak, my Jesus! August is the touchstone to everything that I believe, and the reason that I and my friends have taken your sweet Hayley."
Angel Hope Faith and Grace were training with Freya."I'm stronger then Hope right now aunt Freya i'm a vampire remember she just has speed." They could all do cool jumps and things like that but Angel felt that something was off. Her aunt was stalling she knew her well.
Back with Klaus and Elena tourturing

"Your daughters are dangerous a menace a threat,"

Elena flashed in front of her."There children you bitch."

"A child born from 2 vampires who has Petrova Magic and Mikaelson magic one that can make witches have magic as a vampire born from a psycopath. A child born of werewolf blood, who can create hybrids at will. Twins born from an upgraded original and an original daughte of Esther Mikaelson there defects must be corrected."

"Her defect is my defect! Say that again, I'll pluck out your eyeballs and eat them like olives off my fingertips."

"I'll call it what it is... A dirtying of my species. Which diminishes the pure and superior nature of vampires."

"Make your point." Elena growled she was ready to kill this bitch

" Your daughter will purify herself, submitting to the same spell that your mother, Esther, once used to bind you. Once her werewolf side is sublimated, Hope will no longer be capable of creating her abominations. For Angel take the magic away and her abilty to make Heretics and for the twins take the magic from them."

Elena smirked."And what if we say no,"

"It's a simple choice. Your daughter's and nieces extra nature or Hayley's worldly life. Clock is ticking."
Angel listened as Hope and Roman flirted it was sickening she didn't get what the point of it was. And she was pissed that this dude picked a lock and got into her room. She didn't trust this guy there was something off about him she just didn't know how yet. She decided to take a trip. She would probably get in trouble for it but something wasn't right.
Angel knocked on the door to her parents house knowing her mother was in New Orleans. Sure she was going to be dead for crossing the country but she didn't really have a choice.

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