Chapter 54: A Ghost Along the Mississippi

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Elena woke up and she was laying on Kol in the hotel room. She got up quietly. She seen that Angel was laying on Bonnie sound asleep. She grabbed her phone to see a call from Rebekah asking her home quickly. She quickly vamped out and seen Rebekah laying on the couch she was sleep. She seen the skull mark."Oh no."Elena ran to her and took her arm."No no no." As she cluctched Rebekah's arm praying that this was not real it started to fade."What the hell."

Rebekah started to stir and sat up."Elena the mark its-" She tried to show Elena but it was gone."Its gone how. I had to lock myself in here yesterday cause i almost killed someone."

"I don't know nor do i care its gone and thats what matters are you ok" Elena said.

"Yeah just really hungry i'm craving Ab Negative and i couldn't find any in the frige." Rebekah said.

"Check your brothers secret stash in the basement." Elena said."I gotta get back before they wake. I left everyone and vamped away."

"Ok go" Rebekah said.

Elena went back to the hotel and went back to the room to see them all still sleeping. Her phone started to ring. She answered it waking up Kol."Hello Nik,"

"Cami's a vampire i don't know how i woke up to her dead beside me wrecked my room then she sat up. Her neck was sliced. It was Aurora" Klaus said.

"I AM GOING TO KILL HER." Elena shouted,Angel started to cry. Elena went and picked her daughter off Bonnie who was waking up."Sorry shh its ok. Angel everything is ok"

"Becareful Elena you angry is not a good thing." Klaus said.

"If i get my hands on that girl i promise she will be as dead as your parents." Elena scolded. She couldn't believe this."Did she complete the transition."

"She hasn't decided yet." Klaus said.

"When did Aurora give her blood" Elena asked.

"She compelled her before you arrived. She had to stay quiet and bleed out." Klaus said.

"Keep me updated if you don't i promise me and your brother will be making another golden dagger and it won't melt this time." Elena demanded.

"Sister i got her" Klaus said.

"Speaking of sister has anyone seen my sister" Elena said.

"No" Klaus said.

"Bye" Elena hung up and looked at Everyone."Aurora will die. As will her bitch of a best friend."

"What" Bonnie asked.

"Long story" Elena said.She dialed Davina's number.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your friends," Davina asked.

"Where are you" Elena asked.

"At Marcel's i slept over here we were talking whats wrong." Davina asked.

"Rebekah is about to come get you you'll stay with her and not leave understand i don't trust Marcel he's helping them i'm not doing it." Elena said.

"Ok" Davina said."Don't die please. Bring Angel i can watch her y'all don't need to worry about her."

"Ok" Elena hung up.

"Oh were totally helping" Bonnie siad.

"Agreed lets do this." Caroline said.


Elena was at the compound with Freya and Caroline. Freya went to find Hayley while Bonnie went to the cemetery.

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