Chapter 40: Night has a Thousand Eyes

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For the next few chapters were going to venture off couse.

Elena and Klaus vamped to the quarter Klaus grabbed the guy with the flowers."Show yourself witch"

Haley and Elena noticed Jackson acting strange. Elena pushed Jackson behind her "Nik"

Jackson smirked at Elena." I am everywhere. And I intend to take what is mine."

"In your dreams" Elena spat.

"Aww little witch you are nothing against me" Dahlia said."I will come for Angel and Hope"

Jackson groaned and was completly shocked."Hey, What just happened"

"Dahlia" Klaus said.
Elena and Haley were sitting at the table with Klaus and Rebekah. Klaus was angry" Isn't that the point of a fortress? It does a better job of protecting you when you stay within its walls?"

Haley was very irritated and anonyed."Okay! We get it. Now, let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do."

"What I would like to do is take a strong leash--" Klaus said until Elijah cut him off.

"-Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified. However, Hayley is quite right."

"You two are not to leave this house especially not with them" Klaus said.

"Nik you can't keep us locked up in here. I am tired of being in this house." Elena said.

"Then what do you propose" Klaus asked.

"Freya" Elena asked.

" The spell you described... Dahlia calls it "kenning"-- using proxies to watch her enemies from afar." Freya said. They were all confused although Klaus was still suspicious. Freya looked a little scared then she continued."But, I've never seen it done on quite this scale."

" Awesome. So, basically every Hurricane-chugging, boob-flashing tourist on Bourbon Street is a potential spy." Haley groaned.

Freya set the tea and the cups on the table."The good news is, I know a little about how her magic works." Freya said. She motioned to the tea."This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."

Freya and Rebekah reached for a cup while the others don't"Well, come on! This should work like a charm!"Elijah took a seat and him and Haley took a cup.

"Bottoms up" Rebekah said the four drunk while Elena and Klaus did not.

"Elena Niklaus" Elijah said.

"No" Elena said."I learned not to drink things i don't know whats in y'all should to. I think my daughter is crying i should go get her" Elena got up and headed to her room.

"She hates us" Rebekah said.

"She doesn't hate y'all" Haley said.

"Yes she does Angel is with Cami and will be all week" Klaus said."He told her he loved her they were finally together and we never told her that he was was dying"

"He told her he loved her and then he died oh yeah she might really hate y'all were vampires and werewolfs she's a witch she doesn't trust Freya. But she's considering anythng and anxiously waiting on the full moon." Haley said.

"I have to go give Davina fake ashes" Rebekah said.

"Why" Haley asked.

"Elena said she is doing that spell and Davina is trying to do it. Elena has the real ashes and i have to give Davina fake ones" Rebekah said.

"Let me give her them" Klaus said."I need something i have plenty ashes i'll let her ressurect someone we killed." 

"Who would that be" Rebekah asked.

"Mother in case we need another witch" Klaus smirked.


Elena was in her room when Davina walked in."Get out."

"I can't say hi" Davina said.

"No you can't you like my boyfriend therefore i don't like you" Elena said.

"But i'm your sister" Davina said.

"And he is her father. My boyfriend and you like him hell you are mourning him. He doesn't like you. He never wanted to be with you. Cut the crush and then you can call yourself my sister." Elena said.

"I'm bringing him back for you" Davina said.

"Are you are you really i thought it was so he could see that you were good for him cause thats how you act. I'm not stupid i can see you falling for my boyfriend" Elena said.

"I told you he's yours" Davina said.

"But you don't act like it" Elena said.

"I'm sorry" Davina said.

"Just get out" Elena said. She couldn't do this she was slowly breaking inside she was going to have another breakdown and with her new found power it was scarying her. She grabbed her purse and vamped out of the compound she was running through the woods when she was hit on the head.

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