Chapter 47: I'll see you In Hell or New Orleans

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Sorry for the wait school is stressful
Elena walked into the living room where Kol and Rebekah were."Cami has Angel for the day and your brother needs us something about propercy and every vampire in danger Friend Foe Family" Elena said.

"That could be anyone" Rebekah said.

"In the thousand years we have had a lot of Family that have betrayed us" Kol said,

"Thats what i'm afraid of are you gonna be alright Bekah" Elena asked.

"I'll be fine go" Rebekah said.
Elena and Kol arrived at the compound and seen Freya sitting at a table."Elena Kol i was afraid you two wouldn't come."

"Friend Foe and Family we happen to have a lot of them" Kol said.

Elena's phone started ringing."Yes Marcel."

"I'm having an emergency meeting you mind coming to scare the shit out of them" Marcel said.

"On my way" Elena said. She hung up."I have to go if vampires start hunting people we might get caught."

"Go were fine" Kol said.


Elena arrived at Marcel's loft to see the vampires waiting."We can get started."

"As long as this serial killer's in the news, cops are gonna be all over this city like a rash. So, no feeding on tourists, and don't even think about going near the locals." Marcel said.

"So, what, then? Puppies and bunnies?" Josh asked.

"No blood bags we have contacts there i'll call and tell them your coming for a visit." Elena scolded.

Josh nods and Marcel continues."For the rest of you, keep everyone else in line. All we gotta do is ride it out. Klaus and Elijah will get it sorted out, and we'll be back in business in no time."

A girl walked in."Somehow, I doubt that. Your current dilemma will get worse before it gets better. The good news is, I can help!"

" I don't know who you are, but you definitely walked into the wrong place." Marcel scolded.

"I'm Aya. Nice to meet you, Marcel Gerard. Now, are you going to be rude, or are you going to offer me a drink?" Aya said.

"How about get out before i rip off your head" Elena said.

"Elena gilbert witch/vampire right dating an original had a baby with him" Aya said.

Marcel motions to two vampires."Get her out of here."

" A shame... I'd heard you were more hospitable. What a disappointment." Aya said.

The vampire walks over to her. And puts his hand on her shoulder. She breaks his wrist kicks him in the stomach. Leaps on to his shoulders wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting her hips to snap his neck then lands on her feet.

" Thing is, I was instructed not to leave without making you an offer." Aya said.She hands Marcel a black business card and smirks."Will you hear my offer or not?"

Elena and Marcel both bare there fangs.


Elena and Marcel were both on the floor holding there sides." have to say, I'm impressed. Given that I'm three times your age, and 5 times her you held your own quite well."

Marcel groans."That's me. Never know when to quit." He vamped up and kicked her.

Elena attacked her from the behind."You may have injected Hazel into me so my magic is blocked but that won't stop me from hurting you."

Aya snapped Elena's neck and Putg Marcel in a choke-hold." I suspect we could go at this for quite some time. But, as I said, I've been instructed to make you an offer, and since you seem so intent on defending your humble abode and maintaining your reputation in front of this motley retinue, we'll adjourn to somewhere more appropriate."

Aya used her ring and gave him a cut before dropping him to the floor. Marcel wipes the blood from his face and then the room begins to spin and he knocks out.


When Elena woke up she was in her room. Rebekah walked in with Angel,"How'd i get here."

"Well Kol brought you home after Elijah found you and 6 other vampires passed out" Rebekah said.

"That bitch had a chance to take me why didn't she" Elena asked.

"Cause you'd wake up at full power and the Hazel that i smelt when you got here would be mostly gone and you'd be able to bewitch the hell out of her" Rebekah said.

"Good pount" Elena nodded.

Rebekah sat down next to Elena and put Angel in between her. Angel grabbed her mom's hand and said."Mama"

"Hey baby girl nothing is happening to me not this time" Elena said.


Elijah Klaus and Kol walked into the house and seen Elena Angel and Rebekah sitting on the couch.

"So how is my soon to be neice or nefew" Klaus asked.

"Fine" Rebekah said,"How did y'all all agree to keep me in lockdown when you two are constantly bickering"

"It was that or go through what we went through with Elena and Hayley we took the latter option" Klaus said.

"We weren't that bad" Elena said.

"Yes you were darling and i was on the other side watching" Kol said,

"Theres a war brewing between the sirelines" Elijah said,"One wants to kill Klaus' sireline other wants to kill mine"

"What" Elena asked.

"Umm me and Hayley are on his sireline" Elena said.

"Thats the problem" Kol said.

"Well then it needs to be fixed i can't lose 2 of my sisters" Rebekah said,

"Lucien is here Tristian is here. And i got a feeling we know who's next" Elijah said.

"If she comes she's coming for you Nik" Rebekah said."First of my sireline that bitch has a temper."

"This is about to sound so wrong but i'm your sireline is gone" Elena said.

"I second that" Rebekah said.

"Well this is gonna be interesting lets get to work" Klaus said.

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