Chapter 62: The devil comes here and sighs

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Elena was sitting with Rebekah and Kol."Were screwed aren't we." Rebekah asked.

"Well Finn is dead. You are six months pregnant with twins. I'm an upgraded original. And Lucien is out of control. Seems like a normal day to me." Elena sighed.

"Your fangs hurt don't it." Kol chuckled.

"There is nothing funny about this." Elena scolded.

"No Darling everything is funny about this." Kol chuckled.

She grabbed the pillow and threw it at him."Ass hole."

"When i get my hands on Lucien Aurora Charlotte they all will be dead." Elena smirked. She put her hand on Bekah's bump making Bekah flinch."Wanna know your genders."

Rebekah nodded. Elena whispered an incantaion."Twin identical........Girls"

"YESSSSSSSSSS" Rebekah shouted, She was so happy that she was getting to daughters.

"Oh no were screwed." Kol groaned. Elena punched him in the arm."Darling that is not fair."

"You do realize you have a daughter. Who i bet is going to have your personality." Elena said.

"I hope not." Kol whispered.

"Oh yeah there is also the fact that Davina's boyfriend is cursed." Elena said.

"Excuse me." Rebekah asked. She stood."We can't get a day off."

"No we can't get a day off." Kol motioned between him and Elena."Were on babysitting duty. Hope Angel and make sure no one gets towards you cause you can't fight right now."

"Elena did when she was pregnant." Rebekah groaned.

"Elena did a lot of stuff she would not have been able to do haed i been here but i wasn't. Cause she killed me." Kol said.

"And then you married me your point." Elena layed her head on him.

"I sadly rather you two be here then Nik. He'll go off 100 times before he listens to anything that i have to say." Rebekah shrugged."But my dream is coming true. And its because of Elena."

"Your welcome." Elena smiled."Four girls there screwed. There going to start killing the first boys that set eyes on them."


Elena's phone started to ring."Hello."

"Your up." Hayley said. Rebekah and Kol looked at Elena. They coukld hear the sadness in her voice."There not going to call you because they know your with the girls. Lucien has Klaus. Cami said he threw him around like it was nothing. Your the only one that can match him right now."

"Go" Rebekah and Kol said.

"Meet me there." Elena asked.

"Ok" Hayley said.

Elena Hayley and Cami were in the french quarter."We have a problem i haven't been invited into Luciens penthouse."

"And. We have we can go in. You can use the dark objects you stole in the foyer." Elena said.

Cami stopped walking and they turned twards her then Hayley asked."Hey are you up for this."

" What if I'm a liability? I've been training, so I can punch a bag, but in a real fight?" Cami said.

"And." Elena asked. She understood where she was coming from."Training only gets you so far. I used to train. I was human i was in the woods using a cross bow. I used to train with my ex-boyfriend he'd practice with me. He was a vampire. Its not about how hard you train its about the real life fights. When you get into a real fight all of the stuff you train to do goes out the window and all of assudden your doing stuff you never thought you could do."

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