Chapter 23: Rebirth

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Rebekah had Hope and Angel she knew she had to keep her neices safe. She had been talking with Elijah she knew that Elena and Haley were going insane.


The compound has been locked so that they could all greive in peace. Elena spent most of her time in Angel's nursery praying to get her daughter back she no longer talked to Davina. Who didn't get why her sister was so mad at her.
Davina was with Mikael then she said,"You can't take off that bracelet and you can't kill Klaus not until i can save my friends and my sister from dying I've studied their mothers spell book for weeks i'm getting closer once i unlink my friends and sister from Klaus' sire line i will unleash you to be the montster that you are so eager to be"

"Sister the one who had the baby by my son Kol" Mikael said.

"Yes her she is not to be touched her baby died so did the other one and i wasn't there to help she is not to be touch" Davina ordered.


Elena was in the bar bartending. She didn't talk to anyone outside the Mikaelsons, or her job. Davina walked in and Elene could see this guy following her. The same guy who had been following Elena.

"Elena" Davina said.

"I told you leave me alone not leave" Elena said. She didn't want to hurt her sister but she didn't want to deal with her either.

"Please Elena don't do this" Davina begged.

"Who's the guy" Elena asked.

"Kaleb Westpall he's looking for you" Davina said.

"Who are you and what do you want" Elena asked.

"Names Kaleb i heard about your daughter Angel" Kaleb said. She now knew who it was because only the Mikaelson family knew her daughters name.

"Davina can you leave i really never want to talk to you again ever" Elena said.

"Please don't do this to me Elena i know i've done some things but please" Davina said,

"I'm stuck here cause this is all i have left you wanted to be alone have no family you got it now your alone anyone ever asks for me again you don't know me you've never heard of me i don't exsist and thats the way it needs to stay" Elena said. Davina ran out of the bar tears forming in her eyed. Elena turned towards Kaleb"W upside down is M K.M rings a bell what do you want Kol."

"Your smarter than you look how did you get seduced then" Kaleb smirked.

"Horny new vampire who love intrest just told her to stay away from him you just happened to be the next person that i ran into now answer the question what do you want you've been following me if you want to ask about your daughter go ahead she died because this town means war" Elena said. She knew that the wolfs had to think Hope and Angel died but she hated it.

"We both know she didn't die you don't think i've been watching you and Haley loved to put yourselfs in danger didn't you" Kol said.

"Go to Hell" Elena said."I can't see her until we do something i'd appreciate if the biggest reminder of her left me the hell alone i don't want to hear it" Elena said."Go on with your evil plan and leave me the hell alone or go back and rot in hell whatever comes first but if you really want to do me a favor watch her for me"

"Elena are you ok" Elijah asked,

"Do i look ok to you i swear if you take down Angel's nursery down you'll be back in a box" Elena left back out and went downstairs. Where Klaus was waiting at the steps.

"Are you ok" He asked.

"Davina tried to come talk to me that was it" Elena said. They had to much on there plate for them to learn that Kol was back in town.Klaus vamped away as Elijah can we talk.

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