Chapter 69: Haunter of ruins

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Everyone was on the porch except Elena Hayley and Rebekah."What's the holdup? All right, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez?" Kol took the newspaper out of Elijah's hand."You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way-- I can assure you haven't missed much."

" Circumstances have changed we will leave here soon enough." Elijah said

"Grace Faith Hope and Angel. They've have a normalcy." Cami knew that they were probably right and that they needed to leave but the girls had been living a certain way for years.

" Kol has a point. We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible." Freya said,

"What if we i don't know tell him i was never dead." Davina asked.

"Then we would have to explain why we kept you hidden." Elijah said.

"We're not going anywhere today. I want one day of peace with my daughter. Before we uproot her." Klaus wanted to get to spend time with Hope before they either went to war or fled which ever came first.

"Nik you are not the only one but due to certian people wanting me dead. The sooner she's away from the drama the better." Kol said.

"Any delay is a risk." Freya said.

"One day. We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked. We weren't followed, and i' not asking!" Klaus said.

Hayley and Hope walked out. Then Rebekah with Grace and Faith."Look who's awake. Elena will be out with Angel. Angel doesn't like to leave her side."

"Hello." Hope Grace and Faith waved to them.


Hope looked at Hayley,"Mom can i go play in the garden,"

"Yeah sure you two gonna go with." Hayley asked.

"Angel taught me how to do a cartwheel." Grace smiled.

"Go" Rebekah said.

The girls ran off to the garden as Elena walked out with Angel.

"What's going on" Angel whispered. Angel's eyes scanned the people, They landed on Kol. She gasped and ran to him."Dad."

He picked her up."Hi Angel." He got why Nik wanted to stay but he also knew that he wanted his little girl to be safe.

"She found old albums that Elena had. Ones of all the picutres of you and her. Didn't take long for her to put the pieces together." Rebekah said.


After her meeting with Kol. Elena had her go off to the garden. It was now only Hayley Elena Klaus Kol and Rebekah outside watching Hope. Klaus looked at Hayley."What terrible things did you tell her?"

" I told her that you're a hybrid, like me. I also told her that you're very old. Other than that she's seven we can wait to share the gory details." Hayley said.

"Well, someone must have disparaged me. Perhaps that crone, Mary..."

"Stop. I've spent five years protecting her from everything, including all the horror stories floating around about you. She doesn't know your history. What she does know is that you protect your family, no matter what." Hayley said.

"We kept that from all of them." Rebekah said.

"And yet she fears me." Klaus asked. He hated that his daughter was scared of him. He didn't like it.

"She's a sensitive kid. And you're not exactly calm right now. You were her fairy tale prince, Klaus. And now you're real. You have a lot to live up to." Hayley knew that this was going to be a change for Hope but that she did want to know her dad.

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