Chapter 76: Phantomeque

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Elena was sitting in her room. Everyone else was trying to figure out what to do. She knew she should probably do something but her mind kept going back to Kol. And what the hell happened to him.
Hayley, Freya, Klaus and Rebekah were in the living room. Freya looked up at her siblings." I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole." The necklace was broken and no one was doing well.

"Well, you saved Finn with that very trinket. What's the problem?" Klaus asked

Davina walked in."Its not the same thing."

Freya looked at her brother to explain. She knew that this was a lot for everyone. Especially now that Kol was missing." When that pendant was shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it. He's most likely retreated to the innermost of his consciousness."

"How do we find that?" Hayley asked,

" I don't know. It could be anywhere in over a thousand years of memories, but if I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind; he'll be permanently fractured, like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set." Freya sighed.

"Spare me the medical analogies and fix him." Klaus ordered.

"I need time to go inside and find him. Once i'm sure that his mind is stable then i can fix the pendant then we can focus on the next missing brother." Rebekah walked in as Freya finished talking.

Klaus looked at his sister. They could tell that he felt guilty."Well, then stop talking and get in there."

Hayley was starting to get very irrtiated this was not helping anyone."Klaus? Take a walk, get some air. Let her work. Please." Klaus turned and walked out. Hayley turned towards Freya and took a breath before asking."Please tell me that you can do this."

"He's my brother. I'm not gonna stop until he's safe" Freya said.

Elena walked into the room with the four kids."I'm gonna go talk to Marcel is it ok if i take them with me."

"It's fine its about time he met his daughters." Rebekah nodded.

"Yeah they don't need to hear us yelling anyways." Hayley agreed. Neither one of them wanted to piss Elena off. They knew that she was going through a lot.

"I'll come with you maybe i should see him." Davina said.



Rebekah found Klaus talking to Elijah's descicated body." I never told you... but over countless years, you have meant so much to me. You have been a redeemer, a confidant, a mentor, a rival... and a friend. And at times, yes, you've been... a royal pain in the ass. Now look at you. I'm so sorry. My brother. This will not be your end. I will not rest until I bring you back. No matter how many I have to kill to insure it. No matter how many i have to kill to find out what happened to our brother."

Rebekah walked closer and said."He knows that you cared about him Nik. Just like Kol knew that you cared about him but sometimes they didn't know what to do or say."

Klaus turned to his little sister."Our newest sister isn't going to survive this again."

"Do you know something that i don't." Rebeakh asked. He flashed away and came back and handed her a picture."Is this an ultrasound."

He nodded."Kol told me not to tell anyone. They wanted to focus on the hollow and make sure that the girls were safe. They didn't want anyone to worry about her or them."

Anthony walked in with Cami."How can we help."

"Well, first things first. We need to destroy the weapons that give our enemy their advantage. Now, one scratch from the rosebush is lethal to all originals. Freya has tracked down the eight that remain, including the main plant. Here, in the Ninth Ward."

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