Chapter 34: Try This Again

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Only about two months left before we have our final production. I can't believe I am really doing this. Since I got assigned to play as the princess, we've been going to the auditorium to rehearse. When my scene is not rehearsing, I go and help the creatives team. Since that was my original role. Lexa on the other hand has more scenes than I am since she's really the lead.

Niylah: I don't know how you do it, Clarke.

Me: Do what?

Niylah: Help us and do acting. I mean come on, you practically are doing everything already.

Me: I don't do Tech.

Niylah and the rest of the creatives team laugh with me.

Niylah: But seriously, you're so amazing. Look at Costia, she's assigned here but she keeps on "practicing" being an understudy.

Me: Let her be, Niylah. I stole her spot remember?

Emori: No you didn't. You're better than her.

Maya: Just remember to say away from her. She might do things we don't want.

I got nervous at what Maya just said as the rest agrees. What do they mean by that? Suddenly, Lexa came over to tell me we're up next.

Lexa: Hey, we're next babe.

Me: Oh uh. Yea sure. What scene?

Lexa was telling me something but I just stared at Costia. What if she really does something to me? Like what, kill me?

Lexa: Hey, Clarke. Are you okay?

Me: Hmm? Oh yea. I am. Let's go.

I walk to the center of the stage leaving Lexa confused.

Darbus: Okay, let's take it from the dance. One two and...

I was out of focus that I can't do any of the steps. I look at Costia laughing from the chairs.

Darbus: Clarke, focus! What are you doing?

Me: Sorry Ms. Darbus. Just a little light headed.

Darbus: Go sit for a bit. Lexa can you make sure she drinks water

Lexa: Yes Ms. Darbus.

I left the stage and ran to the back. Why am I suddenly affected to what Costia will do to me? Lexa came running to me with water and food in her hands.

Lexa: Hey babe. Everything okay?

Me: Yea. Just tired.

Lexa: Well you're doing a lot of things in this production. Maybe keep it slow?

Me: Yea I should quit as the princess. I am part of the creatives team.

The costia thing got to my head. I left the backstage and went to help the creatives team.

Clarke and I were rehearsing when suddenly she was out of focus. When I went to talk to her, she wanted to quit being the princess. What the hell just happened? I know she's terrified but something probably triggered this. Clarke left me to the backstage. When I walked out, I saw her back to her "team" who has her hands to her face and Niylah and the rest were calming her down. I shouldn't push my luck here. I should let her have her space for a bit. I'll talk to her later.

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