Chapter 1: The Artist

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Junior Year. I have been waiting to be this close in graduating. I mean, junior year is the worst year as most people say, but to me, it isn't. Junior year is where I have all the classes and electives I enjoy. And to lessen your confusion, I mean Art.

When you're in junior year, most of the classes and electives you get to choose are everything related to your major. And most choices are all first-hand experiences, and not memorizing histories.

Abby: Clarke, you should go honey. You don't want to arrive there at night.

Oh, yay! I'm off to school.

Me: Coming mom!

I grab all my things and made my way downstairs. I live in San Francisco and I study Art and Management as my minor at UCLA.

Abby: Excited for this year?

Me: You bet, mom. I have the best classes this year. And nothing's going to make it worse.

Abby: I know sweetheart. I'm going to miss you!!!

My mom hugs me tight and I just laugh.

Me: LA's a few hours away mom. You could always visit me and I could always visit you.

Abby: I know. But you leaving the house for good is just getting closer.

Aww my mom is such a cutie. I hug her again.

Me: Mom, even if I'll have my own place. I'll always be here eating your food. You know how I hate cooking.

My mom chuckles at me. Yup, kitchen and me isn't a match. I burn things. Mom give me another hug then suddenly mom and I get wrapped in bigger arms. Hmm dad.

Me: Dad you're home!

Marcus: Of course, I wouldn't want to let my daughter leave without saying goodbye right?

She pulls me to a deep hug and kisses my forehead.

Me: I have to go tho. Raven's waiting for me to pick her up.

Marcus: Okay sweetie. Have fun! Call us.

Me: I will dad. I love you both.

I made my way out and rode my car. I was on my way to Raven's house to pick her up. We've been bestfriends since High School and I don't know how I survived high school without her. She's the coolest person i've ever met.

Raven: Griffin!!!

Raven runs to my car and throws her stuff in the trunk. I just chuckle at her.

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