Chapter 28: New Part

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It's been a week since Clarke and I went on that amazing first date. We've been going out after that and it's amazing. I get to kiss her and hug her and hold her hand anytime I want.

Now, we're back in LA. Clarke and I are headed to our last class of the day, theater.

Darbus: Okay Class. Again, I would like to congratulate you all for the splendid performance during the opening night. Now, I have to ask each of you a question. Clarke and Costia, pls come infront.

Clarke looks at me with wide eyes. Uh-oh, this can't be good.

Me: You'll do great, princess.

Clarke breathes in deep and stands up. Clarke stands a little farther from the center and I think it's cute how shy she is again.

Darbus: As all of you know, Clarke carried the whole show last month. Now, for the main production, I am going to conduct a new audition for the role as the princess.

All of us cheered and I practically stood up clapping knowing Clarke and I could be partners in the production.

Clarke: Ms. Darbus, i'm already part in the creatives team. Costia can do this.

Costia: Yes Ms. Darbus, I can.

Class: Audition! Audition!

Darbus: The class and I have spoken. You two will have an audition. Clarke and Lexa please prepare a song and Costia and Charlotte, please prepare one.

Costia: Unfair! Clarke's partnered with the main lead.

Darbus: They live together and you two live together. You don't need to meet up and rehearse. You can do it in your rooms.

I look at Clarke with excitement but she look afraid

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I look at Clarke with excitement but she look afraid. She's worried and at the same time afraid if she gets the part. But I hope she does. It will be so much easier

Me: Heey!!! We have the chance to be co-stars!

Clarke: No, Lex. I can't. that was a one time thing. I can't do a whole production

Clarke sat down having some panic attacks. I comfort her by caressing her back

Me: Hey hey, it's going to be okay. Calm down. Breathe with me baby. Breathe in... okay breathe out. good.

Clarke inhales and exhales with me and she calms down.

Clarke: I don't know if I can do this Lex.

Me: You'll be amazing like you always are. We can do this okay?

Clarke: But-

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