Chapter 37: Dance

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It's been a week and Clarke hasn't come home yet. I've been calling her and texting her, no answer. I almost called the police but Abby and Marcus said Clarke is safe. They just don't want to tell me where she is. Raven and Octavia was always the one who came to check up on me and to make sure I eat and take my medicine and drink my fluids. My knee healed up pretty quickly, even Dr. Torres was amazed how it healed fast. I was already able to walk properly so I have to find Clarke. It was late and Octavia and Raven were in my room eating dinner with me.

Me: Where's Clarke? Why hasn't she come home?

Raven: I don't know.

Me: Did you try calling her? Her parents? What happened? Why isn't she answering any of my calls?

Raven: Don't be stupid, Lexa.

Me: Me? Why me? What did I do?  I was in bed all week!

Raven: Yea and Clarke was only helping you! You're an ungrateful bitch.

Raven stood up and left. I look at Octavia who was groaning.

Me: What the hell is Raven talking about?

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Me: What the hell is Raven talking about?

Octavia: You're really going to play dumb Lexa?

I look at Octavia confused. I know I said to Clarke to leave but only because I wanted to sleep that time.

Octavia: You practically told Clarke to not be that kind of girlfriend, Lexa. You told her to leave.

Me: I just said I wanted to have some sleep. Some quiet.

Octavia: And she was just trying to help you heal. She's your girlfriend, she has the right to get worried. And she's Clarke, she worries and helps you even if she's not your girlfriend. But what you said was way too far.

I sigh knowing Octavia is right. She was just helping me and my I let out my frustration to her.

Me: Where is she O?

Octavia sighs.

Octavia: She's in our room. She's safe but I don't think you'll talk to her real soon. You know how Clarke is. She's a baby, a innocent. You're the first person she ever fell in love with this hard. She'll give up the world for you and you just ended up being like the guy who just used her.

Me: I love Clarke so much, O. I won't hurt her like that guy she used to date.

Octavia: Well you did. She even said that maybe you just used her for sex and for theater. That now that it's about pain, you leave her in the sidelines.

Me: What? You know that's not my intention, O. I love her so much.

Octavia: I know you do. And she does too. She only wanted to look out for you. I shouldn't tell you this but-

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