"As a new follower, no one knows of your existence but they will after today. It is up to you if you tell them who exactly you are." He said and I grinned

"Really? So I can act all mysterious and then boom! I'm your daughter!" He stared at me for a few seconds and then nodded.


I squealed and he covered his ears and glared at me, "Behave child."

I nodded and ran into my closet, looking at it I sighed and walked over to the bag of clothes I had bought.

I was too lazy to put them into my wardrobe and I was glad I was because now I don't have to take them out and take them with me to the Malfoy manor since I can just take them inside the bags.

"Oh do you mind?" I said looked at him, he looked a little confused and I held up my dress and then pointed at the clothes I was wearing.

"Oh right..." I muttered and closed the door.

(Dress is the picture in the beginning)

(Dress is the picture in the beginning)

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"I look beautiful." I said laughing as I watched myself in the mirror.

There was a knock on the door and I opened the door, walked to my bed and sat down, putting my heels on.

"You're wearing that?" I could hear the distaste in his voice and I looked up at him shocked.

"Um...yeah. It's beautiful!" I said and he stared me down.

"No, you look like you're going to a forest." He said and I frowned.

"Yeah well at least I don't wear the same old robe everyday." I covered my mouth and looked at him, he only glared at me and looked down at his robes.

"I don't see anything wrong with them." He said and I stood up, almost falling when I stepped on the bottom of my dress.

"You wear that everydayyyy." I sing song-ed the end

"Aren't you tired of it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, I don't wear a lot of color, in fact I don't like a lot of color that much." He said and walked out.

I stared at my dress, "So that's why you hate it so much."

I walked downstairs and followed him into the kitchen, "Where's that old Lady?"

I felt myself thinking about how mother also called her old lady.

"Tiana." His sharp voice made me look up at him instantly.

"Oh I kicked her out." I said and he raised a brow.

"You don't have a house elf?"


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