Script - Aidan

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i have absolutely no idea how filming works so-


I got to work and entered my trailer to see the script for the 9th episode on the desk. We were still getting the scripts and I grab the script, eager to see what happens to my character.

I open it and start reading.


My mouth hangs open as I read my characters death scene, tears rolling down my face.

It was such an emotional scene, my character went kind of like Ben, and I hardcore cried at Ben's second death.

But then other thoughts came.

Is this the end?

Is my time on Umbrella Academy over?

The door of my trailer opens and my boyfriend Aidan walks in. "Hey bub- Oh my god why are you crying?" He comes over to me and I sniffles and wipe my tears. "Did someone say something?"

"No, Aidan. I- Um. My character just died." I hand him the script and he gawks at it.

"Wha- They can't do that!" He yells.

"Well, they're the writers, technically they can do whatever they want." I mutter.

"But- But then I won't get to see you everyday." He hugs me around my neck and I hug his torso, burying my face in his neck. "See? I won't get to cuddle before shooting." Me mumbles.

"I know bub. I'll miss you too." I say quietly. "But we'll still see each other, and I'll come to set when I can." I assure him. "Just don't fall for anyone while I'm gone." I joke.

He pulls away and smiles sarcastically as me. "Yeah, I mean, is Eden single-" I wack him on the head he whinces. "Sorry. Sorry." He laugh and I hug him tighter.

"But, seriously, let's just have the time of our lives and film the greatest season yet." I smile.

He leans in and out lips meet, our bodies pressed against each other.

I pull away shortly and we cuddle for a few more minutes before we go to get ready.

—— Halfway through filming ep. 9 ——

I do into my trailer, and it might be my last week here. I see the script for episode ten and I sigh before going to read it.

~ Script ~

Five: Klaus please.

Klaus: I don't hermano, I've only ever done it for Ben-

Five: Can you just try?

Klaus: sighs, Only for you numero cinco.

Klaus tries to use his power, then from the blue, Y/c/n comes forward. She is dressed in all black, just as she was before she died. Five runs to her, but he goes through her.

~ Your POV ~

Holy shit.

hOlY sHiT




I squeal and go to my phone to call Aidan, but he runs through the door and hugs me tightly, showing my face with kisses.

"You're not done yet."

idek anymore-

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