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Description: You're bffs with Klaus and Ben and they invited you to a party that you really didn't want to got to.

High school au


"But Klaussssss" I whined to my best friend. "I don't wanna."

"But Y/nnnnnn" He mimicked me. "Everyone is going. And you need to lighten up. You're so uptight. You must horny as hell!" He nudged me.

I shove him really hard. "No. It's just not my scene. People drinking and doing drugs, fucking in random rooms, no thanks." I slam my locker shut. 

"Ben'll be by your side the whole time. He's a party pooper, just like you!" He says.

I sigh and role my eyes. "Fine." He starts jumping up and down. "Only this ONE time."

"You won't regret it! Wear something nice!" He exclaims before running down the hall to our next class.

~ Time skip to the party ~

(where something that you would wear. i don't know your style. But it's a high school party... just fyi)

I walk around the party with Ben, Klaus gone into the sea of sweaty, drunk high schoolers. I bite my lip. I shouldn't have come. This really isn't my scene. I hold onto Ben's jacket so that we don't get separated.

We wander around a bit more until we have nothing to do. We sit next to each other on the couch and start to scroll through social media (au remember peeps).

Then all of a sudden a couple sits down and starts making out right next to me. "Ugh. You guys ever herd of personal space?" I ask sarcastically.

"Fuck you." The girl mutters.

I flip her off. "Said with love." I blow a kiss in the air. "Come on Ben lets find Klaus and get out of here."

We walk through the hoard of horny teens as we find Klaus, partying and drunk as he rest of them. Ben and I share a look and we both grab one of his arms.

"Come on guys I haven't even had that much." He slurs. "Maybe you should try waxing your asses with chocolate pudding. It really wakes you up. I speak from experience." He giggles.

Ben and I are not having his bullshit. "Come on we're going home."

~ Gets to their house ~

I ring the doorbell impatiently as I wait for someone to open the door seeming as Klaus AND Ben has forgotten their house keys. I'm mean Klaus is understandable, but Ben?

I ring it again.

Beep beep. (rIcHiE)

I ring it again.

"Ok ok calm down I'm coming!" I hear a voice say.

The door opens to reveal a pair of beautiful green eyes. "Oh-Uh hi." He says. "Who are you?"

"I'm your idiot brother's best friend." I roll my eyes.

"Which one?" He smirks.

I sigh and push past him. For some reason, I've never been to their house. I knew the had a hectic family so we always hung out at my place. "Woah," I say looking around. I turn back around to face the boys. "This place is awesome! I can't believe I've never been here! And I can't believe I haven't met all your siblings yet!" I say, "you didn't tell me there were cute ones either." I mumble.

"What was that Y/n? Klaus asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm? What?" I ask shrugging it off.

"Uh huh." He says, obviously not buying it.

"So what your name? Since you obviously know mine." I say turning to the boy.

"I'm Five." He says, brushing some hair out of his eyes. He looks at me and smiles.

I smile and blush. "So... Klaus is super drunk," I say changing the subject, "We should get him some water and get him to bed."

"Awwwww Y/nnnnn! The party hasn't even started yet! The night is still young!" He says trying to stand up, and failing miserably.

"Umm it's 1 am." Five points out.

After an immense amount of struggling, we finally get Klaus tucked in, and we left Ben to sing him a lullaby, which Klaus specifically requested. I wanted to stay soooo bad but Klaus wouldn't calm down until Five and I left.

We plopped on the couch and I sprawled out, my legs draped over one end and my head on his lap. He looks at me weirdly, a blush painting on his cheeks. "Oh sorry. Are we not on the level yet?" I asked lifting my head form his lap. I open up to people very easily. I realize that makes some people uncomfortable.

"Oh um, no it's fine." He says.

I hesitantly lay my head back onto his lap I curl up into a ball and I feel him start to play with my hair. "You are a good pillow." I say and he laughs. He has such a cute laugh.

I stiffen as he shifts under me and lays down next to me. I feel myself blush a very dark red.

He yawns and places an arm around me.

I laugh as he pulls me closer. "You smooth little shit."

He smirks, "You liked it though!"

"Maybe I did." I smirk back and it's his turn to blush.

I hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around the small of my back. "Goodnight Five." I mumble into his neck.

"Goodnight Y/n," He replies.

Maybe it was a good thing that I went to that party.

omg i'm rewatching tua again and i just finished episode nine and *cries* bennnn.

please request more

ok that's all

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