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- Read her books
- i love her sm
- thanks for the idea


I run after Five as he runs out of the Academy. "Five!" I yell.

I touch his arm and suddenly, the area covered in snow. I grab his shoulder and now we're in an area with bright colors everywhere. "Five-"

He jumps again and this time there is destruction all around us. "Five." I whisper again.

"Y-Y/n? What are you doing?" He yells and runs back to the academy. "Vanya! Ben! Dad! Anyone!" He yells in frustration after unsuccessfully trying to time travel and falls to his knees, tears streaking down his cheeks.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" He snaps at me. "I would've been fine!" He yells.

"I-I just wanted to help." I say, tears burning my eyes.

"Well you didn't!" He cries.

—— 1 month later ——

Five has reluctantly stayed with me as we help each other survive. We've been working on trying to get back, but it's a tricky equation.

I fall asleep to the light crackle of fire, but wake up only an hour later due to nightmares. I look around to see Five staring at the flames. "Can't sleep either?" I ask, coming to sit next to him.

"Not really." He mutters. "I guess I haven't been sleeping since we got here."

I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of mine. During our short time, Five has really opened up.

I wrap my arms around his and he asks. "What is a random name that you love but also hate at the same time?" This is a game we play where we ask random questions to each other.

"Umm.... Dolores?" I say the first name that comes to mind.

He laughs and I smile. "Interesting. How come?"

"I don't know. That's just the first name that came to mind." I laugh.

—— 2 years later ——

"Alright... Um ok..." I say, trying to think of a question. "If you could spend the rest of your life with anyone else, because I know you're sick of me," I tease. "Who would you pick? Anyone at all?"

"You." He answers quickly. "I'll always pick you." He says, turning to face me.

I look at him with confusion before he crashes his lips onto mine. I pull away quickly and look into his eyes, hurt coming onto his eyes before I pull his lips back to mine and I feel him smile against my lips.

He grips my waist and my hands go around his neck. I pull away, slightly out of breath and I look into his eyes. "I would choose you too."

He smiles and kisses me again and I laugh into the kiss. "I've wanted to do that for a while now." He murmurs.

—— 1 year later ——

We walk hand in hand to the new area, going to look for scraps.

I go over to a building as Five goes to what looks to be a department store. I see him grab a few clothes and come over to me. I smile and he hugs me from behind, planting a light kiss on my neck. "Hi love." He whispers.

"I saw you literally two minutes ago." I chuckle at him.

"So?" He asks.

I shrug and pull him under a partially standing roof. He pushes me against the wall and kisses my roughly making me giggle. "Geez Five." I say as he kisses down my neck. He smirks and kisses my lips again. I tangle my hands in his hair and smile again.

"You're so beautiful." He smiles sweetly.

"Five, we are literally in the apocalypse." I laughs n's he smiles and rolls his eyes, going to kiss me again.

—— 1 year later ——

I cautiously step through the rubble, rickety took hanging above my head. I told Five to wait outside, Using my powers to go quickly over the rubble.

I grab the few cans of food and see something else.

Curiosity takes over and I run over.

But I bump into a pole.

The ceiling comes crashing down on me as I scream. "Five!"

"Y/n!" I hear him yell as the ceiling crushes me.

Five's POV

"Y/n! Y/n please!" I cry as I look through the rubble.

I find her body.

I cry and cry, unable to stop the sobs.

I lost the love of my life.

—— 41 years later ——

Five's POV

I walk into the department store and find her.


Ever since Y/n passed, I broke down. I started talking to a mannequin, like it was her.

"Dolores." I smile, picturing her face.

I just wish I could've saved her. I wish I could see her again.

"Its... been a rough couple of days." I whisper, picturing Y/n's reaction.

Oh how I wish she was here.


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