Maybe I am Crazy

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don't know anymore


"Five!" I scream as he disappears right in front of me.

I should have stopped him.

I could've went with him, but I was too late. My lover is gone, and I don't know when he's coming back.

I walk back into the Academy, my head hung low.

For weeks I sit in my room, not coming out during the day, only coming out to leave the light on for Five. He has to come back. I'll keep on waiting.

They think I've gone insane.

I haven't.

I just don't want to give up hope. Not when my soulmate might still be out there.

I sit, drawing him for the first time, hoping I still remember all the details. I look at the finished product and sigh. It looks off.

I just wish he was here right now.

I still talk to Vanya, because she misses him too.

But they don't think she's crazy.

One day, men in white clothing come into my room. They grab me and drag me through the halls of my home as I scream for everyone, anyone, to come save me.

"This is for the best, Number Eight," Father says. "You need to forget him and focus. They will help you." He says as tears stream down my face.

"Y/n!" I hear my siblings cry, but they are just as helpless to me.

I get thrown into a black car and we drive for a long time, and we arrive in front of a building.

It's a Mental Facility.

I'm not crazy. I just miss the boy I love.

I scream and kick and they drag me to a plain room with a plain bed and plain clothes. They throw me in and lock the door.

I cry into the pillow. I don't want to be here. Fuck.

If only my powers we're actually useful. All I can do is grow fucking plants. And I need plants to do it, so i'm pretty much useless.

I cry for days, and I don't listen to the people here. But they have their ways.

Flashback Over

6 months Later

Five POV

I finally found a way to get back to my timeline to stop the apocalypse. To Y/n. And what do I find? That she's been taken to a fucking mental facility.

And it's all my fault.

The second I heard the news I spatial jump to the facility and find Y/n.

The apocalypse will have to wait. We still have 15 years to stop it.

I get to her room and jump to the other side of the locked door, but she doesn't even lift her head. Her head is tucked into the knees and she's curled up into a ball. She is wearing a white hospital gown that hangs off of her, as if they've been starving her.

"Y/n?" I ask softly.

No response.

I go over and gently put a hand on her arm, and she jumps back, with fear in her eyes that breaks my heart. I don't want your mind games." She stutters. "Leave me alone, please I've been good. Stop making me see him! He's not here!" She cries.

"Love..." I say, a tear rolling down my cheek. She doesn't even recognize me. What have they done to her? I take her hands in mine, holding firm when she squirms. "It's me. I'm here."

"No! No! Let me go! No! Not the chair! Please!" She yells. "No!"

I pull her frail body to mine, in attempt to trigger any form of recognition. She pounds on my chest, trying to get away until she crumbles and cries into my chest, making my tears fall faster.

She pulls away and touches my cheek, "Five? Is it really you? Are you really here?" She asks quietly.

"It's me, I'm here." I say. hugging her again.

"They used you to torture me. I don't know how, but they used you. They broke me Five." She cries. "Maybe I am crazy."

"You're not crazy. These people are." I say. I pull her up and kiss her softly, our tears mixing. I say everything my words cannot. How much I missed her. How pissed I am that they did this to her. How it breaks me to see her like this. Her hands go into my hair and holds firmly, like she's afraid to let go.

She pulls away and rests her forehead on mine. "I love you." She says.

"I love you so much Y/n." I tell her, not a doubt in my mind.

She clings to me, her arms around my neck and legs around my waist, her face buried in my neck.

"Let's go home." I tell her.

She nods and I quickly jump to the academy, preparing for an argument with our father. I go into her room, and I see all her drawings. Most of them have me in them. Like our good memories from before I left.

I gently place her on her bed and lay down with her, wrapping her protectively in my arms. she holds tight to my shirt, not daring to let go. "I'll never leave you again." I whisper.

"You better not Hargreeves." She smiles a little, the first time smiling in what is probably months. I kiss her quickly, making her smile grow.

We fall asleep and boy were there some words between me and father in the morning.

I don't really know what this was. But mad about you was playing and gave me the idea so :p

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