Mind Reader

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HAHAHAHAH JK IM NOT DOING AIDEN. i tried and it's all shit sooo here ya go.

Description: You have the power to read and control minds. But other thoughts broadcast their way into your mind, having it being like a million people are talking all at once, all the time, giving you massive headaches. You could never block them out, and you tried, really tried, but the only thing to dull the pounding behind your eyes was blasting music into your brain.

Warnings: Cursing

oh also phones are a thing


After an excruciating dinner, I run back up to my room and shove my earbuds in. I bury my face into my pillow as the music quiets the voices. So many voices. Every second of every minute of every hour of everyday. it's brilliant (note my sarcasm).

The only people I cant hear without trying are my siblings. It's probably because we're "special" or whatever that means.

I feel at tap on my shoulder. I literally jump out of my skin and look up to see Five. He smiles in understanding. His mouth starts moving and I roll my eyes and take out my earbuds. "Say that again please."

He rolls his eyes at me and continues. "You know, a better way to listen to that is out in the open."

"But father would never allow it."

He smirks. "Well, if he come in, just do your mind tricks and he'll forget the whole thing."

I jump up from my bed. "Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?"

He laughs at me. "You can be pretty dumb sometimes."

I punch his arm. "Asshole."

I pull out my headphones and play the music full blast. Suddenly the door swings open, revealing father. "Number Five! Number Eight! What is the meaning of this?"

I narrow my eyes at him and I see his eyes glass over as I make him forget about everything and send him to go to the grocery store so we can play the music as loud as we want.

Five and I start dancing like crazy people, shout the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

After a few up tempo songs, a slow song comes on. Five smirks and bows, extending his hand , "May I have this dance, m'lady?"

"Why of course, kind sir." I wrap my hand around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. We sway and hum to the music.

I lay my head on his chest and he lays his head on mine. I hear his heart, beating as fast as mine.

I can't take the curiosity anymore, and I silently open my mind to his thoughts.

I don't understand why she's even my friend. I'm a monster. Literal shit. She's this beautiful, smart, amazing girl, dancing with me. I don't deserve her friendship, let alone her love. She'll never like me. She probably hates me and is just don't this out of pity.

I look up at him and see the sadness in his eyes, then replaced by a fake smile. I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "Thanks Five. For doing this. You really didn't have to."

He smiles again. "I wanted to. Y/n I-"

I cut him off my pecking his lips. "I like you too." I bring his face to mine and kiss him tenderly. I pull away and rest my forehead on his.

"Y/n, would you want to go to Griddy's with me sometime?" He asked.

I grinned. "Of course. Meet me there at 9 tonight."

"Aw you guys that was so cute!" I hear Vanya say from the next room.

"Um, how much of that did you here?" Five asks back.

"All of it! We have really thin walls." She giggles. I sigh. "Have fun to night you two!"

"Not to much fun!" Diego shouts from across the hall.

Me and Five look at each other, and then burst out laughing.

Hello lovelies. HOLY CHEESE AND CRACKERS THIS HAS ALMOST 1k READS. I hope you're enjoying it. I like to do mostly fluff, if you couldn't tell, but it you guys want some more sadder or whatever ones, please tell me. ok love y'all, bye 💕💕

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