I missed that - pt. 2

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It's been two week. Two days without seeing Five. Two weeks without falling asleep next to him, even if he didn't cuddle or anything, it was nice and comforting to know he was there.

I sat looking at my polaroid wall. So many pictures. So many memories. All here. All happy, yet they break my heart.

I look over them, inspecting his face. Did he really love me? Or was it all just pretend?

I look and I see it. The love and adoration he once had. Maybe I wasn't imagining it the whole time.

I though he was in love with me. Was it possible to fall out of love?

I put my head in my heads as these thoughts consumed me.

--- Time Skip ---

I tare down all the picture with him, unable to look at them anymore.

I take everything and anything that reminds me of him, washing the sheets and my clothes over and over to get his smell out of them, despite how much I want to bury myself in it.

I go up to the roof on my apartment building, to look at the stars, clear my head, only to see him there.

Creepy little shit.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask, leaning against the door frame.

He turns and even in the moonlight, I can see his red face and puffy eyes.

"I-I wanted to be in our s-spot. I noticed you kept you keys" He sniffs. "I was zap happy that you took them, knowing that you could come back if you wanted to."

I roll my eyes and turn on my heel, trying to hide my breaking heart. I fell the feeing the tears well up and the burning sensation to run into his arms and never let go. Knowing you couldn't bare to look at him.

He made your heart heart.

"Y/n! Wait, please!" He begged, jumping over to you and grabbing my wrist. "Please." He cried.

You had never seen him like this before. So broken.

It made a few stubborn tears escape. "Fives I cant do this right now." I whisper.

He puts his hands around your waist gently, letting me have the option of pulling away.

I didn't.

The truth is i missed him so fucking much. Too much to walk away.

I slowly look into his eyes and see his eyes brighten. The way he used to look at me.

I missed that.

I look into his eyes and see so much sorrow and guilt. It makes me burst.

I know I'm supposed to be mad at him, but how can you stay mad at the boy you love?

I wrap my arms tightly around his neck, not wanting to let go. He cries into my neck, leaving soft kisses below my ear. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got paranoid and insecure and I thought I wasn't good enough. I though you'd find someone else. I didn't want to be hurt, I didn't want to hurt you, so I pushed you away. I know that's so so so screwed up and i fucking regret it." He starts.

I start to cry and hyperventilating, making him rub comforting circles on my back.

"Hey hey shhh, It's alright. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not leaving again." He whispers.

I pull away and cup his face, bringing his lips to mine. I push lightly against his body, our tears mixing together in this sweet embrace.

"I missed you, so much," He mutters.

I nod and hug him again. He teleports to my room, laying me down and coming in gently. He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle into his chest, and he places his head on top of mine. "Good night princess. Your the queen of my heart." He whispers.

I smile and finally fall asleep, the first good sleep i've had in weeks, in the arms I've missed the most.

Should I do an alternate ending where Y/n doesn't forgive him?

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