Softy and Doll

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Description: You are part of the academy, and Luther is like a protective older brother, and he finds you cuddled up to Five and gets suspicious.

Warnings: Cursing


Luther and I have always been super close, not like he was with Allison, but more of a brother-sister relationship. We always were joking around and we would spar, being I had super speed and he had strength, we were a pretty good match.

I have also always been close to Five, and lately I have been getting closer. We cuddled. I don't know what came over me, but he was having a bad dream, apparently I had died or something, he didn't really want to talk about it, and he cane to check on me. My heart melted. He was really fidgety and I told him he could stay, if he wanted company. And he did.

Today was a normal day. I guess. Until it happened.

We were on a mission and I never killed anyone. I didn't like to. I didn't want to. The others had no problem with it, but my conscience wouldn't let me. I would usually just knock them out and closed my eyes when the others killed.

I was in a headlock, and he was holding a gun to my head, and the other were all occupied. I flipped him over my shoulder and grabbed his gun which he dropped. My hands were shaking as I point the weapon at him. He lunges and. I. Pull. The. Trigger.

My heart stops and I actually see the light leave his eyes. I drop to my knees, my shaky hands covering my face. I feel strong arms wrap around me, and assuming it's Luther, I wrap my arms around his neck and cry into his neck. I feel an odd sensation and suddenly, I'm in my room. I look up and see Five, concern filling his eyes and I immediately blush.

"I-I'm sorry, you should go finished the m-mission, I'm o-ok." I say in between cries. I'm looking at my feet as if they are the most important things ever.

He lifts my chin so I have to look at him. "You are not ok. I hate seeing the sadness in your eyes. I know it's hard. I'm here for you and I'm not leaving until you are ok."

I suck in a breath at how close we are. I glance at his lips and I see him do the same. I cup his face and lightly kiss his lips. I lean my forehead on his. "Thanks Five." I smile weakly.

He crashes his lips onto mine, a hunger present and I kiss back as I tangle my hand in his soft hair. He pulls me close and closes the gap between us. He pulls away, the kiss lingering on my lips. "I love you y/n." he blurts out, trying to catch his breath.

I look at him, my eyes wide. "Five Hargreeves. I love you too." I tackle hug him and the momentum makes him fall back into the bed.

I kiss his forehead and snuggle into his warmth, I'm practically on top of him, my hand around his neck, my legs straddling his waist and his arms wrapped protectively around my waist.

"What the fuck?" A voice asks from the door.

~ Time skip brought to you by Samantha. PFFFTTT I DONT EVEN KNOW A SAMANTHA 😂😂 jkjk no time skip i'm not that evil ~

I shoot up and see Luther standing in the doorway, his anger clearly showing.


"I came up here to make sure you were ok, and I see you guys all over each other!"

"Luther-" Five tries.

"This douche is just going to hurt you y/n! I'm trying to protect you."

Five bursts out and squares up, and even thought Luther towers over him, he stands strong. "Say that to my face, coward."

Luther swings are him, but Five teleports begins him, punching him in the head. "FIVE! LUTHER! STOP!" I rush between to to boys, my arms outstretched, trying to keep as much space as possible between the two boys. The are glaring at each other. "Hey Assholes! I love you both, differently, but I can't stand to see the two of you fight! Luther, Five isn't going to hurt me, and if he does, which he won't, you can kick his his ass then. Five. Five." I persist, but he still won't look at me. I place my hand on his cheek, and rub soothing circles on his cheek. "Five. I love you. Luther just wants what's best for me. But guess what? You're what's best for me. So you two idiots need to calm down! Now i don't want to see you fight, so this should never happen again. GOT IT?" I yell the last part.

"Got it." They mumble.

Luther storms out and slams the door. I roll my eyes and turn to a smirking Five. "What?"

"You are the cutest person ever!" He hugs and twirls me around and I bury my face into his neck.

"You're such a softy!" I giggle.

"Only for you doll." He says and I blush.

I am falling. Hard. For Five Hargreeves.

Hello Lovelies! Wow 25 reads in the first hours of me posting this book? That's cray cray! On the chapter that's named after a tik tok that makes me cringe so hard I notice people skipped and I snorted. Yeah... good decision with that one. I didn't know what to say so i thought it would be funny. I'm sorry i cringe at myself. ok bai.

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