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Description: You are a dancer and you have known Five your whole life. You also might have a massive crush on him. You don't like to show him your dancing, because you think you're bad, and one day he sees you dancing.

Warnings: Cursing, kinda depressing

the inspiration for this is from feel the beat, the new netflix movie. I watched this with my little sister, and i have two things to say. 1.) the competitions were really accurate, i'm a dancer :p and 2.) the message was so beautiful and i loved how they included the sign language at the end. i recommend this movie its really cute and has an amazing message

and omg that last dance i cried.

ok now the actual story sorry this was long lol


Five is really my only friend.

I get bullied a lot at school, and he's been there. I also might have a crush on him. He's so caring and protective it's adorable.

The only place I feel at home is at my studio, alone. I can just dance to the rhythm and dance my cares away. All my anger, sadness, loneliness, I can take it out on the floor.

But I never let Five see. I'm ashamed of my dancing, and my body for that matter.

(A/n: y'all are beautiful and gorgeous and this next part is just for the story.)

When I look it the mirror all I see is fat and ugliness. I understand why I get bullied. I mean look at me. I think Five is crazy sometimes, but he says he likes to hang out with me. I try to cover as much as I can, but it's hard to dance like that.

My moms says I'm skinny, but those are lies.

I come into the studio and luckily, there's an empty classroom available. I work here also, for extra money, so I'm allowed to use rooms whenever I want.

I plug my music in and start to stretch. I warm up and start to sway to the rhythm.

Then the thoughts come.

You're not worth it.

I feel tears start to bubble up and I push them down. I improv to the sad lyrical song, my body moving in time and my emotions showing in my dance.

I throw my hair down from the tight bun and I let my tears start to fall.

I twist and twirl and leap to the song, my heart aching.

The music ends and I fall to my knees, letting a few more tears escape.

I hear a gasp a look up to the door.


Five's POV (A few minutes earlier)

I jump to the front of the studio and walk up to the front desk. The women smiles at me. "Are you here for the 4:00 ballroom class young man?"

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I'm looking for Y/n. Is she here?"

She nods and points to the back room. "Studio D."

I walk down the hall and peak into the room, the door opened.

I stare in wonder as Y/n dances around the room, her body moving along with the music.

As the music takes a sad turn, I see her start to cry. I feel myself getting emotional because this girl that I care about is hurting.

I music ends and she falls to the floor, her face holding so much emotion. I gasp as she starts to cry and she looks over to me with pure terror.

"Oh my gosh Five i'm so sorry Oh my gosh how much did you see?" She stutters through her tears.

I can't seem to find the right words. I go up and hug her tightly, and she hugs back and starts crying into my shoulder. "That's was beautiful." I tell her. "Your beautiful." I whisper.

She pulls away and doesn't meet my gaze. "What's wrong?"

She wraps her arms around her torso, as if she's trying to hide. "I'm not. I'm ugly and worthless."

I take her face in my hands as she starts to cry. "You're not! You're beautiful and amazing and anyone who says otherwise have their heads in there asses because they can't see how amazing you are."

She hugs me and buries her face in my neck and I would her tightly and run my fingers through her hair soothingly.

After a few minutes she looks up at me. She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thanks Five."

I look at her and she looks at me. I lean in and kiss her gently. She plays with my hair and we pull apart. I rest my forehead on hers. "I have been wanting to do that for a long time."

"Me too."

Ok so sorry i ended that one quickly i had another idea pop into my head so imma write that now ok bye.

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