Love is Strange

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Warnings: cursing, kinda sad


Five's POV


Love is strange.

You don't know you had it, until you lost it.

We we're happy once. Young, and in love. But then her life got turned upside down (hEhEhE) and it was hard. She got really depressed and emotional.

And I should have been there for her.

I messed up so fucking much.

I should have held her in my arms and let her cry.

I should have supported her.

I should have shown my love for her.

I should have done something.

But it's too late now. I let her go. I let the best thing that ever happened to me slip through my fingers.

I'm so mad at myself, and the world. I could've helped her. But i was too goddamn selfish.

I let her shut me out.

I let her slam the door.

I let her walk away.

I'll never get to hold her again.

I'll never get to say "I love you"

I'll never get to call her mine.

I miss her.

I miss her smile.

I miss her y/e/c eyes.

I miss her perfect hair.

I miss the way she kissed my cheeks.

I miss the way she held me close

I miss the way she would wear my sweatshirts.

I miss her lips on mine, whispering I love yous.

I miss her.

She was the only one for me. She loved me with her whole heart while the rest of her world was tuning to shit, she still loved me.

I know that now.

Or do I?

Were we too young?

Did we know how to love?

Were we even in Love?

Or was it all in my imagination?

Was the burning passion that I felt for her love?

Was any of it real?

If I loved her, how did she get away?

No one was there for her. I should have been. I'm so stupid.

Will I ever be able to love again after the only one that ever loved me, got away?

Hewo guys, sorry for the short chapter. guess what? we're almost at 1.5k!!! yay i'm excited! Thank you for reading this! Ok now guess what? I'm actually going to bed before 1 am! gAsp it's basically unheard of! Ok lovelies, get some rest, love you 💕💕

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