7, Part 2

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Um continuation so there's nothing to say really :p


Five's POV

Since I didn't know where her school was, I just waited in the spot that I left her. A few hours later, she come down the street, headphones blasting music, her fingers tapping away.

She looks up and grins at me. "Are you stalking me now too?" She asks playfully.

I smirk, "Yes. I'm going to kidnap you and murder you in your sleep."

She rolls her eyes. "So Five, whatcha up to?"

I look at her. I decide to be truthful. "Waiting for you." I see an adorable blush paint across her cheeks. I grab her hand and entwine our fingers. "Come on. I want to show you something." I pull her along a few block, coming to a small park.

Kids laugh and play, and I lead Y/n over to a bae mused area under a tree. We sit down at the base and I see her shiver and I place an arm around her, bringing her close to me. She tenses, then relaxes before placing her head on my shoulder. It's my turn to blush.

She giggles an cute laugh and I look at her. She laughs again. "You're cute when you blush." She says. Then the realization of what she just said hits her and she blushes again.

"Not as cute as you." I whisper to her.

She laughs and snuggles closer, as a chill goes by.

Your POV

I feel safe in Fives's arms, like he would protect me at all costs.

I place my hands on his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist. I look up and him to see him looking down at me. "You're such an easy person to talk to."

He snorts. "Tell that time my siblings!"

I look at him with happiness, "You have siblings? How many?"

"I have four brothers and two sister. Seven of us in total." I gasp. It's my number.

"Seven's my number y'know. Like my lucky number." I smile at him.

"And I'm lucky to have met you."

He glances at my lips and I feel myself do the same. Our lips connect at I feel sparks fly. I cup his face, bringing him closer to me and he holds me tight.

I get a sudden burst of confidence and swing my leg over so I'm straddling him. I kiss this boy long and hard. I do it seven times. I repeat.

We pull away, out of breath, and I place my forehead against his. My arms find their way around his neck and I cuddle into his warmth.

"Hey um y/n?" He asks. I hum a response. "You would, um, wanna go on a date with me sometime?"

I look up at him and grin. I peck his lips, "I thought you'd never ask." I giggle slightly.

This boy make me happier than I have ever been.

Aww I liked this one. I might have a triple update for you, so just hand on because I had this idea and now I have to write it quickly or else I'll forget. Ok bye my lovelies. muah.

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