Love Me Not ~ 37

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Happy Halloween!!!


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"That's a fair trade though! A secret for a secret." Eren smiled. He was glad he had a friend like Armin that could cheer him up.

"I guess that's true." Armin said, looking at the sunset. "Let's make a deal then. When you share your secret, I'll share mine."

"Deal." Eren held his hand out for Armin to shake.

Armin took Eren's hand and shook it, letting go a moment later. "Deal." He repeated.


As the days went on, Eren found himself gravitating even closer to his friends. He didn't want to be alone.

When Mikasa wasn't around, he still made Armin hang out with him. They'd do anything and everything. They'd go for walks, go out to eat, or just hang out in his room and watch movies.

Being able to have people to surround himself with was great, but it made him realize how he had strayed away for a bit.

While he was still close with his friends, he wasn't as open with them. That always in the back of his head. He decided he'd tell them once the school semester started. That gave him time to think about how he was going to say it.

"What are you doing?" Armin asked, looking over Eren's shoulder at his laptop.

"Just checking my schedule for classes. I can't believe summer is almost over." Eren sighed. "Too much happened this summer."

"Yeah, but we also had a lot of fun. We got to hang out a lot. More than usual. It was great." Armin smiled. "So at least some good happened."

"You're right. It was nice being able to just worry about work and when I'd hang out with you guys. Those were my only priorities. Soon, we'll have college to think about. Ugh." Eren looked at Armin.

Eren had been on his bed, lying on his stomach with his laptop. Armin was sitting on his bed to the right of him.

Armin moved to lie on his stomach next to Eren and looked at his laptop. "At least we'll have some classes together."

"Yeah, we can study together." Eren didn't look away from his laptop screen.

"I don't know about that, you're pretty distracting." Armin said, reaching out and closing Eren's laptop.

"Hey, I wasn't done yet." Eren looked at Armin.

"Well, you're done now because I saw you starting to stress." Armin said back, taking Eren's laptop and setting it aside. "You've had enough stress for a lifetime at this point."

"I'll do it later then. Hey, am I really that distracting?" Eren asked, going back to what Armin said before.

"Super distracting. I can barely think sometimes." Armin joked.

"Wow, that bad?" Eren grabbed his tv remote and turned it on. He looked through the movies that were available to watch.

Armin nodded and watched Eren.

He noticed that Eren seemed a lot better than he had been before. Not talking about Levi and putting whatever had happened in the past behind him seemed beneficial.

He also knew that Eren could've been putting up a front. While he seemed okay, he could be upset.

Knowing Eren was probably going through a lot made him worry.


It seemed Levi had given up. He didn't approach Eren anymore.

His last encounter with Eren that Armin witnessed was embarrassing enough. He didn't know what else to do. The advice he got from Hanji and Erwin didn't work. He tried to approach Eren, but was pushed away.

Levi didn't know why the issue was always on his mind. Why couldn't he just forget it?

During work, he had met up with Hanji during his lunch break. They sat in the kitchen area in the office building he worked at.

Levi drank a cup of coffee while Hanji picked at a salad.

"So, you tried to talk to him and he didn't let you speak?" Hanji asked.

"Basically." Levi set his coffee cup down and sighed.

"That's surprising. So what are you going to do now?" Hanji set her salad aside and looked at Levi.

"I gave up. It's not a big deal. He clearly doesn't want to hear anything I have to say and doesn't care that things might've been mixed up." Levi shrugged. "I can't stop thinking about it though. I don't know why."

"You're smarter than that. You know why you can't stop thinking about it. Stop lying to yourself." Hanji grinned.

"No." Levi sighed. "You're wrong."

"You're in denial. I know you won't admit it. That's okay though." Hanji ate a bite of her salad before standing to toss it.

Levi watched Hanji and didn't respond to what she had said.

"You not having anything to say in response really helps support my point." Hanji teased and sat back down.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Or that I'm just done with your shit."

"When are you not? You're always done with my shit." Hanji laughed. "Anyways, I should get going. I need to print some worksheets last second for the students."

"Alright." Levi stood and tossed his coffee cup.

Hanji left the building, being stared at by Levi's coworkers.

She ate lunch with Levi occasionally, so his coworkers recognized her. They assumed that she was his girlfriend. Nobody had the courage to ask though or try and make small talk.

Levi went back to work, even more confused than before on why he couldn't stop thinking about it.


Sorry it's been a while college sucks :)

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