Love Me Not ~ 56

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"It's been a while since I've been here. Months?" Eren kept his gaze on Abelle.

"Yeah, it has. Things haven't changed."

"This doesn't feel weird to you?" Eren blurted out, regretting asking instantly.

"I mean, it is now that you pointed it out. I wasn't thinking about it before." Levi turned and opened a cabinet. He pulled a mug out and set it on the counter. He then put on his electric kettle to heat up some water for tea.

"Sorry. I just didn't think we'd be alone like this ever again." Eren admitted.

"You were the one that insisted on hanging out. Hanging out sometimes leads to being in someone else's place." Levi shrugged and watched as the water heated up in the kettle.

"Well yeah..I did want to hang out." Eren mumbled.

Levi turned and looked at Eren. "What is it? You're not saying something. Are you here because you want to hook up again?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No no that's not it at all. I didn't come here to hook up." Eren shook his head. While the thought was definitely tempting, he couldn't. There was no way he would. "Why did you think I wanted to?"

"I don't know. You've been acting weird." Levi shrugged and poured his hot water into the mug before adding in a tea bag. "I feel like you want to say something but won't. You're holding shit in."

"No, it's just been a while." Eren said back, leaning against the counter. How was he supposed to get Levi to fall for him if he could barely be in the room alone with him without being awkward. "You know talking to you isn't exactly the easiest."

"I'm pretty straight forward I don't know how that could be identified as hard to talk to." Levi said back.

"It is hard to talk to someone too straight forward." Eren mumbled.

"Well dancing around the topic isn't gonna do us any good either." Levi rolled his eyes.

"The last time we had a full on conversation before today was when we argued.. right?" Eren asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah." Levi sipped on his tea. "I can barely remember what it was about."

Eren on the other hand remembered a lot of it. He frowned. "Did it not affect you at all? It didn't bother you that we left things off like that for so long?"

Levi set his mug down. "I didn't say that."

"But I can just tell. I know nothing hurt you or bothered you. You don't have to make it so obvious though." Eren furrowed his brows.

"So you expect me to lie? I'm not going to lie." Levi shook his head. "Why is this even a topic right now?"

"Your comment about barely remembering it."

"But you're the one that started this mentioning the fight." Levi scoffed. "I'm not a fucking kid. I'm not going back and forth like this."

"We really aren't compatible at all. Not even in a platonic way." Eren said.

"You came to me today."

"You're the one that tried to find me a while back to talk. Don't forget that. You extended that to me. I was happy ignoring you." Eren crossed his arms. "Were you going to apologize for that night? Now I'm glad I didn't listen to it because now I can see you would've been lying by how you're acting now."

"All of this happened because of you. All of it." Levi grabbed his mug and walked away to the living room.

Eren watched him walk away with a frown on his face and turned to leave. He glanced back before closing the front door and could see Levi was watching him.


Once he stepped out into the chilly fall air he felt so much better. That heat and tension was released and he could have the walk home to reflect.

He wished it didn't turn into another argument. It was so disappointing, especially when he had a plan. It did hurt that Levi never felt anything at all from it.

Were they even compatible? Why was Levi watching him leave? He had so many questions.

Before he could even try and figure out a reason why, he was already at home. His dad wasn't home as usual, and he assumed Mikasa was there.

Eren walked through the front door and headed to Mikasa's room. He saw her sitting on her bed and went to sit next to her.

"Were you guys out there this whole time?" Mikasa asked.

"I went to his apartment. We started arguing so I left." Eren sighed.

"Arguing? About what?"

"The past and stuff. It was stupid." Eren shook his head. "I wish it didn't go that way. It was our first time having a day like that in a while. We talked so much."

"I guess it'll be okay. Both of you just need to blow off some steam." Mikasa didn't want to sound too encouraging, but also didn't want to completely discourage him.

"I hate this. At this point I like him so much it hurts. It's hurting me so much." Eren groaned. "Make it stop."

"I can't help you there. I don't know how to get feelings to fade. Over time?" Mikasa shrugged.

"I've liked him since I was twelve...clearly time isn't working. How dare he stay in my head like this? How does he have the right?" Eren mumbled.

"At this point, I don't think it's completely one sided. He wouldn't entertain you for no reason. I hate that I'm saying this by the way, but I want to be honest."

"It's shocking to hear you say that with how you've been so against it."

"I wasn't against it. I just didn't think it was the best for you. Levi is my cousin, Eren. From what I had seen in the past I just thought you'd get your heart broken."

"I mean, you weren't wrong though."

"I know, but I didn't want to say I told you so. I'm going to be honest with you, this never ending loop is gonna continue unless you completely know what he wants or what you want from him. You need to get a straight up answer because spending the rest of your life like this will make you miserable. You'll never be able to move on with this because the way he acts sometimes definitely gives you hope. You need a clear answer. He isn't usually like this with this shady behavior. He's usually straight up so might have more to say than you think."

Eren nodded. "I don't think he's ever told me anything clearly..."


Happy (late) Halloween besties 🎃

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