Love Me Not ~ 59

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The second the water touched his skin he felt some relief.

Levi was too much at times. He knew Eren liked him. When he snuck glances and looked at him that way it made his heart go a million beats per minute.

He was overwhelmed.

The male leaned against the shower wall before sitting on the cold tile. He ran a hand through his wet hair and sighed. How did he end up in this situation? He was at Levi's place yet again, in one of the weirdest situations.

When was he not in a weird situation with Levi? It seemed that every interaction with Levi was odd.

While he showered he couldn't stop thinking about how things would be with Levi if they were together. What sleeping over his apartment was like together... just everything. What came with a relationship was so thrilling and heartwarming. He wanted it badly, but there he was, sitting in Levi's shower, extremely single.

He stood up once he realized he had been in the shower for a while. Once he was dried off he wiped the condensation off of the mirror to look at himself. He frowned and bit and began putting Levi's clothes on.

They smelled so clean and fresh. They smelled like what his bed smelled like when he had slept there with him.

By the time he was out of the bathroom he could feel his eyes drooping. He was exhausted and ready to sleep. The pillow and blanket on the couch were calling him. He plopped down onto the couch and pulled the blanket over himself.

Levi walked out of his room holding a towel in one hand and Abelle in the other arm. He set her down on the couch with Eren. "She'll sleep with you tonight." He murmured before turning and going into the bathroom.

Eren yawned and nodded, petting Abelle as she started purring. "Looks like we're roomies today."

"I finally get a break." Levi spoke before closing the bathroom door. He didn't want to admit it, but he did like having Abelle with him.

Eren yawned and started dozing off. He was woken up by the sound of Levi coming out of the bathroom. His eyes went wide when he saw Levi. The man was walking back to his room with a towel loosely tied around his waist. Not only was he still extremely in shape, but he wasn't completely dry. His skin was glistening. Eren had to quickly look away so he wasn't gawking.

"Geez, did you forget you had someone on the couch?" Eren reached out and covered Abelle's eyes. "Poor girl." He tried to make it funny because he was screaming on the inside. His face was practically red.

Levi couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm not naked. Relax." He rolled his eyes. "Not a big deal. Night." He walked into his room and shut the door behind himself.

Eren looked at Abelle. "What is wrong with him?"

Abelle meowed in response as if she was agreeing there was something wrong with him.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep after that..." The image kept playing in Eren's head. How could someone look so good? He was flustered and a bit turned on in that moment.

He rolled over and shut his eyes tightly to try and make himself go to sleep.


Eren woke up the next morning to Abelle pawing at his face. "Too early..." He mumbled.

"Actually, it's almost eleven." Levi called out, causing Eren to sit up quickly in response.

"I'm up." Eren yawned.

"That wasn't me telling you to wake up. You can keep sleeping."

"But I don't want you to just be there awake while I'm sleeping." Eren mumbled.

"Do you think I'm going to watch you sleep or something? Like a weirdo?" Levi asked.

"No.." Eren sighed softly. "If you insist, I'll sleep more." He rolled over and closed his eyes.

He slept for a bit longer before getting up. The smell of coffee filled the room and his stomach began to growl.

After a short and somewhat awkward breakfast together, Eren decided it was time to head home.

He walked into the house, already dreading what his dad would say.

"You're lucky he got home super late and left early this morning." Mikasa called out.

"Let me guess, Levi's house?" Armin asked, walking out of the kitchen with Mikasa.

Jean stood behind them. "Shit wait, you're with Levi? I thought you weren't gay."

Eren's jaw practically dropped. "Armin, what the hell? Why'd you say that?"

"I didn't say anything about you guys being together though." Armin mumbled. "Sorry."

Eren looked at Jean. "I'm only telling you this once. Got it? You're stuck to my friends like glue now so it was inevitable you found out." He sighed. He never imagined he'd be telling Jean of all people his secrets. "I'm most definitely gay and I've known since I was twelve. I have the biggest crush on Levi. That's it. Don't tell anyone."

"Well shit Eren, there's nothing wrong with being gay. I'm bi, maybe even pan at this point. I'm a big fan of anything that breathes honestly." Jean grinned and stood between Mikasa and Armin with his arms around their shoulders.

"There's nothing wrong with being pan, but you just acted like a major creep." Armin laughed a bit.

"Come on Armin, there has to be someone you have your eye on." Jean teased.

Armin shook his head. "Not really. I'm going to be single for life."

Mikasa glanced at Eren. "Your wearing his clothes."

"Oh, yeah. He had a rule that I needed to shower if I was gonna crash on his couch." Eren murmured.

"Whaaaat? I thought you guys were sleeping in the same bed. Y'know, getting it on and shit." Jean grinned.

"I didn't need that in my head." Mikasa walked into the kitchen.

Jean raised an eyebrow and looked at Armin, who also looked a but uncomfortable. He felt he was definitely missing something. Things felt off.


Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and is getting ready for Christmas!! <3

Don't forget to vote and comment!

I'm thankful for all of my readers/fellow ereri/riren stans 🤍😌

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