Love Me Not ~ 17

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"I don't think Mr. Jaeger is as sad about it as you think though." Armin said. "I'm sure he wants Eren to stay young, but I bet he's also proud to see him so independent and growing."

Mikasa stood and set her plate into the sink. "Yeah, that's true. I'm sure he's happy to see Eren grown and planning for the future."

"Not just me." Eren said, setting his plate in the sink as well. "The three of us are a package deal. I'm sure he's so happy seeing all of us grow up. We've been attached at the hip since we were really young. You guys are practically his kids too."

"I have faint memories of us being extremely small and playing together. My grandfather would take me to the park and Mrs. Jaeger would bring you. I guess they became friends because when your mom would get sick, we'd pick you up and take you to the park with us." Armin smiled. "And then Mikasa came along when we were nine right? We've all managed to stay so close."

"And that won't change." Mikasa said, grabbing her bag. "We should go. Grisha is really fine with you taking his car?"

"Yeah, he said he has no plans today and if he needs something he said  he'll walk into town since it's close. I hope I can buy my own car soon." Eren took the car keys off of a hook in the kitchen.

"If you ever start saving money." Armin teased. "Aren't you buying useless things?"

"No." Eren said back. In reality, he was buying things he didn't need.

Eren left the house with Armin and Mikasa. The three got into the car and headed towards the beach.


The drive was around an hour.

By the time they got to the beach the sun was blazing. The waves that crashed to the shore looked welcoming.

Eren couldn't wait to go dive into them. He parked the car and climbed out, stretching a bit. "I'm not a fan of that drive."

"I'll drive back. Not a big deal." Mikasa shrugged. She heard a few cars honking and turned to see.

Many of their friends and some acquaintances from high school all got out of their cars. The group was huge.

"Whoa, word spread fast." Eren mumbled. He wasn't close with everyone. A lot of people brought their own friends as well. "I didn't even tell anyone, I completely forgot and yet this many people showed up."

"That's because Armin and I sent out texts last night." Mikasa looked at Eren.

Eren waved when he saw Connie and Sasha coming towards him. "Hey. I'm glad you guys were able to get today off."

"Me too! I haven't been to the beach in forever." Sasha smiled at Eren and turned when she heard another familiar voice, Jean.

"Heard you didn't want to invite me?" Jean smirked and walked over.

"I didn't invite anyone actually. Didn't know you needed a formal invitation." Eren rolled his eyes. "I'm really not in the mood to fight with you right now."

"You saying that makes me want to fight you even more." Jean said, smirking.

"Jean, calm down." Marco came forwards with Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt.

As if things couldn't get weirder, he saw Historia, but remembered what he had been told. Historia was with Ymir. He still froze up as they passed him.

Historia walked by and waved at Eren. She had a soft smile on her face. Ymir had an arm around her, not paying attention to Eren at ball.

Eren waved back and sighed in relief when they were past him. He felt so much better.

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